University of Virginia Library

Year Of Protesting
Pledged By Coalition

By Stefan Lopatkiewicz
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Members of the Student
Coalition, reacting to President
Edgar F. Sanon's response to
their 11 proposals presented
through Student Council last week,
have committed themselves to a
policy of "applying continuing
pressure" on the administration
until the goals of the proposals are

While the Coalition yesterday
offered to meet with President
Shannon or any of his spokesmen
"anytime, any place" to debate and
discuss the goals it is pressing for,
and has reserved Cabell Hall auditorium
for this purpose, it simultaneously
called for a student rally
at the Rotunda on March 4, two
days before the proposed debate.

Coalition Declaration

The Coalition's declaration to
the University community reads as

"Many members of the University
Community are dismayed
by President Shannon's letter to
Student Council President Ron
Hickman. The proposals of the
Coalition are virtually refused
rather than considered conscientiously.
President Shannon's
tone was at once defensive and
patronizing, rather than conciliatory,
as it seems he believes.
But the critical failure is of
substance, not of tone. President
Shannon believes that "open door
— equal opportunity" is enough.
This is incredible.

"Point by point, response by the
Coalition to President Shannon's
letter has been made elsewhere (see
above). We intend to conduct a
continuing series of demonstrations
during this Sesquicentennial Year
until we see evidence of genuine
intention to redress ancient grievances
by positive action. The
Coalition adds its complete support,
as well, to the Student
Council's motion to C. Stuart
Wheatley that he either repudiate
his past actions or resign from the
Board of Visitors.

Legal Action

"Specifically, we announce that
there will be a rally Tuesday, March
4, at the Rotunda. We invite
administration spokesmen to participate
in a debate-discussion Thursday,
March 6; we are investigating
possible legal action. Other appropriate
actions are being considered
and will be announced later
this week.

"The time to begin to right the
wrongs a racist social structure has
inflicted upon its members is now.
We are not fond of the idea of
non-negotiable demands, but we
cannot understand how putting an
end to racism can be negotiable."

Mysterious Spokesman

A spokesman for the Coalition
declined identifying exactly what
the "appropriate actions" that the
Coalition hinted it would make

In its letter yesterday to President
Shannon, the Coalition asserted
that the continuing problem
of racial inequalities at the University
nature of the difficulty and in
his methods of dealing with it.

The Coalition spokesman asserted,
however, that the student
rests in his misunderstanding of
group is "avoiding at all costs any
activity that could have its intentions


Photo by Richard Wright

Members Of The Student Coalition At Their Meeting Yesterday In The IFC Offices

Group Decides To Apply "Continuing Pressure" Until Their Demands Are Met By Administration