University of Virginia Library

From 21 To 22

Black Enrollment Stays Small

The Cavalier Daily received the
following release from the Office of
University Relations yesterday:

"The count of Negro students
registered at the University of
Virginia in October has been
increased by one after analysis of
questionnaires sent to and returned
by students who listed themselves
in categories other than 'white' or
'Caucasian' on registration,
according to Paul Saunier, Jr.,
Director of University Relations.

"The total of black
undergraduate students - all
full-time - should have been 22
rather than the 21 previously
reported, Mr. Saunier said.

"The first count - with no
breakdown between part-time and
full-time students - showed that on
October 4 there were 86 students
who had designated themselves as
Negro, black or Afro-American,
whereas the revised total is now 87.

"New breakdowns received as a
result of the questionnaire
subsequently sent to the students
indicate that the number of Negro
students in Graduate Arts and
Sciences is 11 full-time and I
part-time, and in Graduate
Education, 11 full-time and 34

"All the figures released earlier
remain the same, since no Negro
students in the remaining schools
reported themselves as part-time.
There are seven full-time Negro
students in the School of Law, five
in Engineering; and one each in
Architecture, Medicine and
Education (undergraduate). The
total number of full-time Negro
students is 52.

"The second semester may add
a few more, Mr. Saunier said, but
they may be offset by attrition.

"I have already heard,' he
added, 'that a very good black
student has transferred to a
Midwest school with the
explanation that our academic life
was fine but he wanted a better
social life. This points up a real

"Of 8,964 students registered as
of October 4, 7,992 were full-time
and 972 part-time."