University of Virginia Library

Unanimous Action By IFC

Change Sought In Ruling Board

By Thom Faulders
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Taking the initiative, the
Inter fraternity Council moved last
night to change the governing
committee to a more feasible plan.

The 3-3-3 Committee,
composed of three faculty, three
administration, and three student
members, is the final authority for
all processes of the IFC. At last
night's meeting, Representative Bob
Fisher proposed that the
Committee be changed to a 5-2-2
Committee: five students, two
administrative officials, and two
faculty members.

This new plan would give the
students the majority, but the
chairman would be one of the two
administration members as in the
3-3-3 Committee at the present

Ed Hayes, president of the IFC,
felt that this was fair because
fraternities have all the financial
responsibility while they have only
one-third of the governing power.

The present 3-3-3 Committee
acts as an advisory body to the
President of the University on
matters pertaining to the
regulations of social fraternities in
accordance with University policies.
The unanimous resolution by the
IFC for the 5-2-2 Committee will
advocate no change in the group's
basic function.

The IFC is the first such
organization to foster such a change
in its governing committee, but it is
the same committee that has the
final approval of its own revision.

With rush rapidly approaching,
elections for the new Rush Board
were held at the meeting also.
David Broyles and Wayne Cardon
were elected from three candidates
running for the two positions.

The newly elected Board will be
responsible for the enforcing the
regulations for the upcoming Fall
rush and are also charged with the
formulation of next year's rush.

In other business, a motion was
made and passed to change the first
dormitory visits from Tuesday,
October 1 to Thursday, October 3,
because that Tuesday and
Wednesday are religious holidays
and some of the first-year men may
miss the visits because of
attendance of these religious

It was also noted that all that
week first-year men have physical
examinations, so no matter what
day the visits occur, some
prospective rushees miss them.
Another reason cited was the
lateness of the issuing of the
first-year facebooks. The visits will
occur during the same times as
originally planned.

Further business included
announcements pertaining to the
increased prize incentive for
Homecomings decorations on the
houses, the stressing of the
enforcement of hazing regulations,
and the extension of hours for
female visitation to 9 p.m. to 2 a.m.
every day of the week.