University of Virginia Library

Altaffer Elected President
As Sceptre Sweeps College

Larry Altaffer captured 49 per
cent of the College balloting to
sweep the elections for president.
With a total of 643 votes, Mr.
Altaffer stood well above David
Broyles with 399 and Gordon
Calvert posting 37.

Leading the victorious Sceptre
Society, Mr. Altaffer lost in only
one polling location, Tuttle
House. Following the leader,
John Mathieu took the vice-presidency
and Al Vermeire won
the post of secretary.

Mathieu, Vermeire Victorious

Carrying 58 per cent of the
balloting, Mr. Mathieu posted
731 votes against the 529 of
Don Wetherington. Mr. Vermeire
took secretary with 54 per cent
and 715 votes as opposed to
Tom Meade's 576.

Education Elections

In elections in the School of
Education, Judy Lawson (36)
carried the presidency over Danny
Fassio (29) by seven votes
with 65 people submitting ballots.
Frank Quayle posted 28
votes to win the vice-president
position over Bill Lockwood and
Celia Willman, who tallied 12
and 24 votes respectively.

Linda Quigly with 36 votes is
the new secretary over the 27
votes of Julia Spencer. The treasurer
spot will be held by David
Wyncop, who received five more
votes (34) than his opponent
Chris Cann, who had 29.

One Third Voted

The election in which only
about one third of the College
students voted, showed for the
first time in recent election history
a complete victory slate for
the Sceptre Society.

Mr. Calvert ran independently,
but with unofficial support from
the University Party. His campaign
was the most controversial
in that many complained of his
willingness to give up his seat in
the Student Council.

Mr. Broyles ran on the Skull
and Keys' ticket, but placed second
when the final votes were
tallied. Mr. Altaffer will now
serve on the Honor Committee,
and in most cases will act as

Although Mr. Calvert entered
the race as an non-fraternity
candidate the election results did
not divide along fraternity-independant
lines. The results from
Tuttle House demonstrate that
the independent vote was split
fairly equally between the two


Larry Altaffer

College President—Elect

Election Results
The vote results by location on the College election are as follows:

Rugby and
Cabell Hall
Cabell Hall
Altaffer  123  61  75  75  164  145  643 
Broyles  79  35  27  60  101  97  399 
Calvert  13  44  86  27  87  50  307 
Wetherington  88  53  81  50  107  102  529 
Mathieu  122  70  90  98  217  182  731 
Meade  100  45  51  80  127  135  576 
Vermeire  103  89  123  69  181  150  715