University of Virginia Library

Raven Society Elects 43,
Selects Five For Awards

Forty-three students and alumni
were elected to membership
and five persons honored with
Raven Awards at the annual
spring election meeting of the
Raven Society Monday night.

The Raven Society is a group
of students, faculty members and
alumni which was founded in
1904 to recognize contributions
to University life. It is named
for Edgar Alan Poe's poem "The
Raven," writing a parody of
which is one requirement for initiation.

The Society selects members
each spring and fall from all
schools of the University, A student
must be in the upper quarter
of his class and must have
distinguished himself in some activity.

Raven Awards

Raven Awards went to Arthur
P. Gray IV, chairman of the
Honor Committee; Charles Fenwick,
a state senator and former
Rector of the University; Henry
J. Taylor, a political columnist
and former ambassador; A. K.
Davis Jr. professor of English,
and Charles C. Abbott, dean of
the graduate business school.

Charles Calhoun was elected
president of the Society for the
coming year, with other elections
scheduled for the banquet May 6.

Alumni Elected

Elected to membership from
the alumni were Joseph C. Chinn
Jr., president of Wilmington
Trust Co. and an endowment
fund trustee; Carl J. Gilbert,
chairman of the board of Gillette
Co., and Dr. Victor F. Marshall,
president of the Medical Alumni
Association and chairman of
Cornell's urology department.

New student members are:

College: Pete Caples, Peter
Pettit, Stewart Evans, Gordon
Calvert, Ed Hayes, John Mathieu,
Richard Gwathmey, James
Moore, Jack Ansell, Steve Brick.

Law: Raymond Battocchi,
Thomas Durff, Stephen Herman,
Bingham Kennedy, James Kobak,
Carroll Wagner, Reed Wasson,
William Wooldridge.

Engineering: Hamlet Jennings,
Earl Armstrong, John Stanaway,
Edward Sheppard, John Cline.

Medicine: Phil Bryan, Charles
Evans, Steve Wright, Richard
Corbin, George Craddock.

Graduate Arts and Sciences:
David Hamilton, Alexander Theroux,
Richard Lowe, James Scanlon,
Delmas Moore, James Ward,
Cotton Lindsay.

Architecture: Glen Tipton,
Lewis Nix.

Graduate Business: J. Riley
Ayers, Durant Vick.

Commerce: Michael Layman.