University of Virginia Library

Counseling Group Provides
Advice On Draft Obligation

Yesterday the Charlottesville
Draft Counseling Group began
operation as an organization
recognized by the Student Council.

Located in the conference
room on the third floor of Newcomb
Hall, the group will be
available for counseling Monday,
Wednesday, and Thursday
afternoons from 12 to 2 and
Tuesday evenings, 5 to 7 p.m.
Appointments may be made for
these and other times by calling

Tuesday evening, the Student
Council gave the CDCG official
student organization status. This
action ended the struggle to be
recognized. Reflecting on the decision,
one CDCG member said,
"What it proves is that the Council
really does know more than
the administration about what the
students want."

The CDCG was formed to
provide a counseling forum for
men of draft age. Many people
in the group felt that "the information
available through University
sources was inadequate
and too impersonal." They have
"seen too many students who
were generally misinformed or
uninformed about the Selective
Service System."

The Group is prepared to give
tentative answers to those interested
in the draft, regarding their
obligation and relationship to it.

Information is the prime concern
of the group. The constitution
of the CDCG, as approved
by Student Council, reads in part:
"Our purpose is to help men fill
their personal and national obligation,
by providing information
and counseling on the draft and
alternatives to it."

Further on, the constitution
states that "Our task is to provide
an opportunity for everyone
concerned about any aspect of
the draft to talk to specially
trained draft counselors and to
provide information about military
and non-military service."