The Cavalier daily Tuesday, February 13, 1968 | ||
Cites Disturbing Ignorance
Psychiatrist Clarifies Drug Use, Abuse
In the statement below, which
has been issued to all University
department heads, Dr. John
Buckman wishes to emphasize
that federal penalties for the possession
of marijuana are mandatory.
As an expert witness in numerous
cases involving the use and
possession of hallucinogens, Dr.
Buckman has experienced an almost
total ignorance of this fact
on the part of defendants and
their attorneys as well.
While he feels personally that
judges should have the option to
suspend or moderate sentences,
particularly in first offenses, Dr.
Buckman wishes to stress that
this is not possible under present
Since 1956, he has studied and
experimented with lysergic acid
and amphetamines as fact-finding
drugs in psychiatric treatment.
LSD has proven valuable as an
aid to patients in recalling childhood
traumas. If a close and
lengthy relationship has been established
between the doctor and
his patient, then, in an LSD-induced
reverie, the patient may or
may not enunciate valuable subconscious
recollections as a point
of departure for therapeutic
But Dr. Buckman stresses that
solitary use of the drug without
medical attendance is unlikely to
produce any measure of self-understanding
that will outweigh
the psychic dangers simultaneously
Dr. Buckman hopes that his
statement will be more valuable
to the University community than
any warning of punitive measures
by the administration.
The Cavalier daily Tuesday, February 13, 1968 | ||