University of Virginia Library

Saturday Classes Dropped
For All Undergraduates

Undergraduate Saturday classes will be eliminated in
the coming fall semester as a result of combining present
50 minute Saturday morning periods into longer weekday

The fall semester class-period plan recommended by
the University Registration Committee, headed by Dean
Frank S. Kaulback, was announced Friday, January
26, by University Registrar Herbert R. Pickett.

This plan will extend classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays
from 50 minutes to one hour and 15 minutes, spaced
15 minutes apart, beginning at 8 a.m. and running
until 6:15 p.m.

According to a member of the Registration Committee,
one of the reasons the committee decided to
cancel Saturday classes was that very few major classes
met on Saturday. Many of the smaller classes have
even unofficially rescheduled their Saturday classes.

Edward E. Younger, Dean of the University's Graduate
School of Arts and Sciences, said that the shift opens
the way for scheduling, on Saturday mornings, a number
of three-hour graduate seminars that have been difficult
to arrange under the present system.

The new arrangement will also be of great benefit to
the state's primary and secondary school teachers, said
Ralph W. Cherry, Dean of the School of Education.
More space will now be available, he said, for the
special professional programs that the School of
Education can hold for teachers only on Saturday

Mr. Pickett also pointed out that some classroom
space already is taken for special tests on Saturday.