University of Virginia Library

Honor Committee Letter

To All University Students:

From time to time, it is customary for the Honor Committee
to remind the students of a few basic guidelines for conduct
during quizzes and examinations. These guidelines do not stem
from a premonition or an expectation that violation will be

This letter is written merely to advise students to avoid any
circumstances which could be construed as suspicious.

(1) Don't take books, notes, or unnecessary scratch paper
into an examination room.

(2) Examinations should be taken in the location designated
by the professor.

(3) While taking an examination, don't leave the room for
too long a period.

(4) Don't stare around an examination room needlessly, for
this could be interpreted as trying to copy another's answers.

(5) Once you are through the examination leave the immediate
vicinity before you discuss the exam, because someone
who is not through may overhear you.

Remember to attach the prescribed pledge to an examination.
This is easily forgotten in the excitement of taking the examination.

Best wishes on the coming exams.
