University of Virginia Library

Alderman Committee
Plans Social Groups

Vice Chairman Tom Gosse's
call for the establishment of
Alderman Road social organizations
highlighted the meeting of
the Alderman Road Committee
Monday night.

Mr. Gosso's motion was
adopted by the Committee. The
motion provided that "social organizations
be formed in the
Alderman Road complex." The
following points were emphasized:

Resident Clubs

1. Each social organization will
be comprised of the residents of
an upper-class dorm.

2. A cabinet consisting of four
members shall be elected by the
residents of each house to serve
for one year, from October to

3. The purpose of these social
organizations will be to provide
for its members such activities
as combo parties, bus rolls, jam
sessions, and beer parties.

Elections Set

4. Elections for this year's
cabinets will be held on Wednesday,
December 13.

In other business, a petition
was submitted by two representatives
of the first-year men living
in the Observatory Hill Dormitories.
The petition read:

First-Year Petition

"We the residents of the Observatory
Hill Dormitories hereby
petition for a vote and a
voice on the Alderman Road
Committee, that body of delegates
which regulates and represents
the residents of these

In light of this petition a motion
was introduced providing
"that each floor in the Alderman
Road-Observatory Hill complex
presently unrepresented on
the committee, be invited to elect
delegates and alternates to it."
The motion failed to pass.