University of Virginia Library


Honor Committee Orientation Set For New Students

All students who registered
for the summer session
beginning July 8 must attend
an Honor Committee
orientation meeting in Wilson
Hall, Room 402, tomorrow
night. The meeting will begin
at 7:30 p.m.

Student Drowns

University student Kenneth
L. Odom, of Richmond,
drowned Saturday in the James
River at Watkins Landing,
Powhatan County, while
swimming with friends.

Mr. Odom, 19, would have
been a second-year student at
the University this fall, and was
an Echols Scholar.

He is survived by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James H.
Odom, and a sister. Funeral
services were held Monday.

Council Services

Information on Student
Council and University services
such as the Bail Bond Fund,
Student Lawyer, and birth
control information have been
distributed to summer session
students. of Albemarle County.

In a letter detailing Council
services to students, Student
Council President Larry Sabato
noted that the students'
attorney provides free counsel
in any legal matter in which a
student is involved except a
dispute between two students.
The letter also stated that a
University student could secure
immediate financial assistance
with his or her bond fee, if
arrested, by calling Mr. Sabato
day or night.

Under the University's
Equal Opportunity Counseling
system, any student who feels
that he or she has been
discriminated against for
reason of race, religion, sex,
age, or national origin may
contact Mr. Sabato, an Equal
Opportunity Counselor.

Students also received a
"Miranda card," which lists
rights and responsibilities upon
arrest, and a copy of the birth
control pamphlet, "An Ounce
of Prevention."

Students who did not
receive copies of these
publications may obtain them
at Council offices, fourth floor
of Newcomb Hall.

Beer Party

The University community
is invited to a beer party at the
1 Suite of Webb House Friday
night from 7 to 10:30 p.m.
Music will be provided.

Nutter Lectures

University Economics Prof,
G. Warren Nutter is one of 16
"outstanding men of letters"
commissioned by the American
Enterprise Institute for Public
Policy Research to present a
Distinguished Lecture Series on
the nation's bicentennial.

The lectures, for which
locations are yet to be
arranged, will be presented at
the rate of about two each
month beginning in late 1973.

Mr. Nutter is scheduled to
speak on "Political Freedom
and Economic Laissez-Faire."

Mr. Nutter has taught at the
University since 1958. He
served as Assistant Secretary of
Defense for International
Security Affairs during
President Nixon's first term.

Film Festival

The Charlottesville
Resistance and the Uncle
Moses Brigade will sponsor an
International Film Festival, a
three-film series on war, in the
Newcomb Hall South Meeting
Room at 7 p.m. on Wednesday
nights beginning tonight.
Admission is free. Films
scheduled are: tonight,
"Culloden;" next week, "War
Game;" and Thursday, July 26,
"317th Platoon."

Return Keys

The Housing Office requests
that all students occupying
University Housing return their
room keys to Resident Staff
members when leaving at the
end of the current session.
Students must also make a
statement of loss. if necessary,
and will be fined one dollar for
key replacement.