The Cavalier daily Wednesday, January 31, 1973 | ||
NCAA Defeats
Proposals For
Division, Aid
The National Collegiate
Athletic Association (NCAA)
defeated proposals to divide
the association into groups and
to base future athletic
scholarships at least partially
on need at their January 10-12
meeting in Chicago.
At the NCAA convention
the University was represented
by Student Affairs Vice
President D. Alan Williams and
Athletic Director Eugene F.
The proposal to divide the
association would have created
two new groups. The first
would have included schools
with major sports programs.
The second would have
included schools concentrating
primarily on one or two sports
such as basketball and football.
The University would have
been in the first group.
This proposal was defeated
by 224 to 218 with Mr.
Williams and Mr. Corrigan
voting in the minority. One of
the possible reasons for its
defeat according to
Intercollegiate Athletics
Director Steve Sebo was that
smaller schools wanted equal
representation with the larger
Mr. Sebo also said the larger
conference members will
probably reintroduce the
proposal at the meeting of the
larger conference members in
The second defeated
proposal would have limited
scholarships to tuitions and
fees with a small allowance for
books unless a student could
The Cavalier daily Wednesday, January 31, 1973 | ||