University of Virginia Library

BSA, Dellums Join
In Memorial March


Led by Black Student
Alliance organizers and Rep
Ronald V. Dellums, about 00
students marched last night
from Courtenay House to
Cabell Hall in memory of the
two students slain at Southern
University, Baton Rouge, Ia

The march, scheduled for 6
p.m., began at 7 p.m. and was
led by Edward Saunders,
president of the Black Student

Mr Dellums joined the
group at Lile House at 7:15
p.m. and from there the group,
stopping traffic as they went,
wound their way through the
old and new dorm areas.

The march, endorsed by
Student Council officers,
intended to pay tribute to
Denver Smith and Leonard
Douglas Brown, slain in a
confrontation with police

In a circular handed out
before the march, the
organizers said, "We here at the
University of Virginia feel that
the deaths of these two
students at the hands of the
police are intolerable and

Mr Dellums echoed their
sentiments by saying that it
was "tragic that two young
people had to die because they
raised questions about their

Speaking informally to
students around him, Mr
Dellums expressed his idea that
the crucial problem in our
society is "human injustice"
and if we can solve this
problem we will be on the way
to solving most of our

"The movement for human
freedom and human liberation
must galvane third world
victims in political
organization that will get rid of
expedient liberals on the left
and maintenance man politics
on the right," said Mr.

When a black student asked
him what he should do to get
results in a conservative state
like Virginia. Mr Dellums
jokingly replied," Move!"

However, continuing in a
more serious vein, he advised
the student to try to "move
people from the middle to the

The march ended at 30
pm. at the steps of Cabell