University of Virginia Library

Council Plans To Study
Off-Grounds Housing

An intensive study of
off-Grounds housing in
Charlottesville and Albemarle
County will take top priority
in Student Council concerns
this fall, according to Council
President Larry Sabato.

Council will distribute a
survey to all students living in
off-Grounds housing in
October, to obtain a
representative sample of where
problems exist.

A complaint service will be
instituted by the Council
Off-Grounds Housing
Committee for student
tenant-landlord or lease
problems, Mr. Sabato said.
Complaints will also be
funneled through the office of
the students' attorney

Landlords who
believe that student tenants
have been negligent may use
the service as well as students.

Council will also compile a
list of acceptable off-Grounds
housing for distribution at the
beginning of second semester.
The list will come from the
off-Grounds housing survey
and from the students'
attorney's office, and will
"recommend places to a
limited degree," Mr. Sabato

Fall housing seminars for
students are also planned, and
will offer information from
landlords and an attorney on
various aspects of rented

Council will also distribute
an updated booklet on
landlord-tenant law which will
include a model lease, Mr.
Sabato said.

He believes that the
emphasis on off-Grounds
housing is "one of the most
beneficial areas" in which
Council can work, since the
majority of University students
must live off-Grounds.