University of Virginia Library

Group Advises Shannon
To Remove Parking Lot


The University Traffic and
Parking Committee voted 5 to
2 yesterday to advise
University President Edgar F.
Shannon Jr. to remove parking
from McIntire Amphitheater
by September 1 of this year.

The motion, made in an
advisory capacity to Mr.
Shannon after he had
requested the committee's
opinion, reinforced one made
last February by the University
Arboretum Committee.

The Arboretum Committee
came out in favor of the
removal of parking at that
time, though it went one step
further in calling for a
complete restoration of the
amphitheater to its original

Asks Advice

According to Traffic and
Parking Committee member
Lynn Ivey, Mr. Shannon asked
to be advised on the situation,
saying that the Traffic and
Parking Committee had not
discussed parking removal
thoroughly enough.

Mr. Shannon had also
reportedly told Council
President Jim Rinaca, when
Mr. Rinaca presented him with
petitions signed by a third of
the student body calling for
removal of traffic from the
amphitheater, that he
"appreciated receiving" the
petitions, but that he felt there
was nothing he could do until
the advisory committees
involved had dealt with the
matter and made
recommendations to him.

No Comment

Mr. Shannon was not
available for comment after the
committee's decision.

Mr. Ivey said, "It seems to
me that if the two advisory
committees which have expert
knowledge of the amphitheater
situation are in favor of the
removal of parking and grassing
over the lot the only thing left
to be done is the actual order
to be made in agreement with
their advice."

In reponse to Tuesday's
protest against amphitheater
parking, Mr. Ivey said "It
showed that the amphitheater
was workable as a place to
study and to hold classes as
well as being a place for
outdoor presentations."

'Dramatic Demonstration'

"It was also a dramatic
demonstration of the
far-reaching support for
parking removal," he added.

Mr. Ivey, who has lead
student support of the removal
of parking from the 50-year
old structure, said "It was
worthwhile to remove parking
from the amphitheater and it is
in keeping with the original
plan to remove parking from
the central Grounds area."

Traffic and Parking
Committee members Chester
R. Titus and W. Wade
Bromwell refused to comment
on the committee's action.