University of Virginia Library

Bush To Speak
On United Nations


Republican National
Chairman George Bush, United
States ambassador to the
United Nations, will speak
Monday night at 8:30 in
Newcomb Hall Ballroom.

His address will focus on
the issues of the United
Nations in the past and

Mr. Bush succeeded Robr
Dole as GOP chairman after
Mr. Dole resigned his position
in the wake of the Watergate

Mr. Bush headed the United
States delegation to the 26th
and 27th sessions of the U.N.
General Assembly, and was
U.S. representative twice to the
U.N. Economic and Social
Council meetings in Geneva,

As permanent U.N.
representative, Mr. Bush has
participated in Security
Council and General Assembly
debates on the Middle East,
admission of the People's
Republic of China, air
hijacking and terrorism.

In February 1972, he
attended the meeting of the
U.N. Security Council in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia. He then
completed a goodwill visit to
nine other countries in Africa
on behalf of President Nixon.

He ran for Congress in 1966
and became the first
Republican ever to represent
Harris County and the city of
Houston. He served on the
Ways and Means Committee,
one of the few freshman
congressmen to do so.

Mr. Bush was re-elected to
the House in 1968 and served
as a delegate to the Republican
National convention. He was
chosen one of ten surrogate
candidates authorized to speak
in President Nixon's behalf
during the national campaign.

As a representative, he has
promoted legislation concerned

with urban affairs, revenue
sharing, pollution, bilingual
education and setting priorities
in federal spending.

He urged the creation of an
Ethics Committee in Congress
and drafted legislation
establishing the Joint Select
Committee on Population and
Family Planning.

Mr. Bush has also served as
chairman of the Republican
Task Force on Earth Resources
and Population. During the
91st Congress, he was
appointed to the 12-man
delegation to the ninth
Mexico-United States
Interparliamentary Conference.