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Shannon, Godwin Mastermind Political Role Exchange
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Shannon, Godwin Mastermind Political Role Exchange

Past Governor Quits Race;
Takes University Presidency


Virginia gubernatorial
candidate Mills E. Godwin Jr.
startled political observers last
night when he announced that
he has decided to withdraw
from this year's statehouse race
to accept the presidency of the

The former Virginia
governor said in a press release
that "ill health and loss of taste
for the political battlefield"
weighed heavily in his decision
to withdraw as a candidate.

Mr. Godwin, who was
running as an independent with
heavy Republican backing, was
expected to receive a stiff
challenge from Lt. Gov. Henry
Howell, who is also running as
an independent. Experts,
however, predicted that Mr
Godwin would defeat Mr.
Howell in November.

'Flattered And Pleased'

Mr. Godwin, 53 (?), will
assume his new office of
President of the University
today during Founder's Day
ceremonies, replacing Edgar F.
Shannon Jr., who is expected
to formally announce his
intention to enter the
Democratic primary as a
candidate for governor.

Mr. Godwin, who governed
Virginia from 1965-1969, said
he was "flattered and pleased"
that the University's Board of
Visitors had offered him the
president's job.

Mr. Godwin's selection
must be approved by the
Governor before he can be
sworn into office, but sources
in Richmond said that
Gov. Linwood Holton would issue a
formal notification of approval
in time for today's ceremonies
so Mr. Godwin could take
office immediately.

Shortened Term

When Mr. Shannon
announced his intention to
resign from the president's post
last winter, it was expected
that he would remain in office
until August 1974, the date he
had set himself.

At that time the Board of
Visitors created a special
committee to find a
replacement for the retiring
president. Also a faculty
steering committee and a
student committee were
formed to aid in the selection

Neither the faculty or
student committees were due
to report for at least a year,
and it was expected that Mr.
Shannon's successor would not
be chosen until after those
reports had been received.

No members of the Board
of Visitors were available for
comment last night, but a
statement issued by the Board
said "anyone familiar with the
situation will not be surprised
by the selection of Mills E.
Godwin Jr. to succeed Dr.
Shannon as President of the

The statement said, "From
the time Dr. Shannon
announced his intention to
resign, Mr. Godwin was the
leading candidate for the job."
The Board said Mr. Godwin's
selection was decided on so
soon because "it was possible
that Mr. Godwin would be
elected Governor of Virginia.

Now that he has decided to
accept the President's post that
possibility is gone. As President
of the University, Mr. Godwin
will certainly be able to do less
people less harm than he would
as governor. We have complete
confidence in him."

Mr. Godwin said that he
"looked forward to spending
the rest of my days in peace
and quiet."

College Dean Irby Cauthen
commented, "Oh, Jesus Christ,

Vice President for Student
Affairs D. Alan Williams, stated
flatly, "I'm leaving anyway.
Who cares?"

(Continued on page 3)