University of Virginia Library

Faculty Senate To Select
Nominating Committee


The University Faculty
Senate will meet March 7 to
select a steering committee to
assist the Board of Visitors in
choosing a successor to
University President Edgar F.
Shannon Jr.

The Senate's Executive
Council will recommend that
the entire elected Senate
membership be nominated,
according to the Senate's
agenda released yesterday.

The Council will further
recommend that a committee
of 11 persons be elected from
the Senate members.

The Faculty Steering
Committee will coordinate
faculty and student committee
efforts in preparing reports to
the special committee of the
Board of Visitors.

College Faculty Members

Three Arts and Sciences
faculty members will be
selected for the committee
with the remaining positions
filled by representatives of
each of the other eight
faculties. No ex-officio
members of the Senate will be
eligible for nomination.

In a previous statement
University Rector Joseph H.
McConnell announced
formation of a seven-man
committee of the Board of
Visitors to nominate a
successor to Mr. Shannon.

In letters to the Faculty
Senate, the Student Council
President and the Alumni
Association President Mr.
McConnell asked each group to
make recommendations to the
Board's Special Committee on
the Nomination of the

Rector Charges Committee

The Rector charged the
proposed Faculty Committee
with the following
responsibilities: "(1)
Examining into and reporting
to the Special Committee on
the nature of the office of the
President of the University; (2)
Determining the qualifications
of the person who will fill the
office and submitting the
proposed qualifications to the
Special Committee; (3)
commencing the construction
of a list of likely nominees; (4)
Assisting in such other ways as
may be requested by the
Board's Special Committee."

In other action at the
March 7 Senate meeting, the
Chairman of the Self-Study
Steering Committee, Edwin E.
Floyd, will move the approval
of the resolution that the
Faculty Senate authorize and
recommend the full
participation of the Faculty in
the 1973-74 University

Mr. Shannon appointed the
committee to organize a
University self-study required
for accreditation by the
Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools of which
the University is a member.

The Steering Committee's
function will be to appoint and
coordinate 12 specialized
University-wide committees
that will study different areas
of the University's program.

A final report will be
prepared by the Steering