University of Virginia Library

Council Praises Shannon,
Discusses Food Services


Student Council
unanimously extended its
congratulations and thanks to
retiring. University President
Edgar F. Shannon Jr. last night
for his service and
accomplishments at the
University over his 14-year

Council also met in a closed
executive session, presumably
to discuss the Board of
Visitors' recent denial of funds
to the Gay Student

In a resolution sponsored
"on behalf of all students past,
present and future," Council
cited particularly Mr.
Shannon's success during a
"critical period of change and
progress at the University."

"Responsible Actions"

"Mr. Shannon's responsible
actions during the 1970
demonstrations were a credit
to his leadership and courage in
the face of less-responsible
actions elsewhere in Virginia,"
Council said.

"Mr. Shannon through his
leadership has been responsible
for much of that progress,
including coeducation and
increased admission of
minority students," Council

Council further praised Mr.
Shannon's leadership during
the student demonstrations
and strike in 1970.

Exchanges Arranged

In committee reports, Food
Services Committee Chairman
Taylor Putney told Council
that 78 exchanges of Contract
meal tickets have been
arranged for students in
Council's exchange program.

Mr. Putney also reported
that the Open Square Cafeteria
has been closed on Sunday
due to lack of student use.

He told Council that Food
Services Director Bernard
Fontana has said 200
customers are needed to justify
the Sunday operation while
only 80 to 140 have been using
the facility.

Food Services has also
experimentally opened the
Glass Hat and Castle from 7:30
to 9 a.m. but has not had
sufficient business to justify
continuation of the schedule,
Mr. Putney said.

The Food Services Advisory
Committee will meet for the
first time next Tuesday.

In his charge to the students
on the committee, Student
Council President Jim Rinaca
emphasized that the "most
important task facing students
on the committee should be
review of the Food Services
Division's budget."

Mr. Rinaca made it clear in
light of recent changes in food
policy particularly in regards
to curtailment of services in
several facilities that "it
should be the student
representative's responsibility
to see that full accountability
be given to students."

"As long as the Food
Services Budget shows
surpluses, the committees' most
important concern should be
to ensure that the University
community receive the fullest
benefits," he asserted.