University of Virginia Library

Reports Predict Moore
May Win Defense Post


University Law Prof. John
N. Moore will be appointed
assistant secretary of defense
for international security
affairs, a reliable source close
to the professor said yesterday.

When contacted, Mr. Moore
would neither confirm nor
deny the impending
appointment. He replied, "I
haven't heard anything about
that at all. I think it probably
is a rumor."

A Washington news source
close to the Defense
Department yesterday verified
the administration's action, but
was unable to obtain official

Presently Mr. Moore is on a
one-year leave of absence from
the University to serve as
Counselor on
International Law at the
State Department.

Mr. Moore will replace G.
Warren Nutter, who will return
to the University faculty early
this year.

Mr. Moore joined the
University faculty in 1966 and
was appointed director of the
graduate program in 1968. He
teaches International Law and

Was Assistant Dean

Mr. Moore was an instructor
at the University of Illinois
Law School from 1962 to
1963, and an assistant law
professor from 1963 to 1964
at the University of Florida
where he later served as
assistant dean and associate law

Mr. Moore has published in
"International Law" and
"Constitutional Law." He has
addressed the American
Society of International Law
and has served as consultant on
International Law to the Naval
War College since 1967.

After attending the
University of California at
Berkeley and Drew University,
Mr. Moore earned his LL.B. in
1962 from Duke Law School.
He received his LL.M. in 1965
from the University of Illinois.

He has been a candidate for
the J.S.D. degree at both the
University of Illinois and Yale
Law Schools.

Will Teach In Spring

Mr. Nutter, who has been
on leave from the University
since February 1969 in the
post under Defense Secretary
Melvin R. Laird, will resume
teaching for the Spring
semester beginning Jan. 30.

In his Pentagon post, Mr.
Nutter has represented the
Defense Department in the
National Security Council and
has also supervised defense
policy in arms control and sales
and in international military
assistance program.

In ceremonies marking the
completion of his term in the
Pentagon, Mr. Laird presented
Mr. Nutter the Department of
Defense Medal for
Distinguished Public Service.

A native of Kansas, Mr.
Nutter taught at Yale before
coming to the faculty here in
1957. He was an issues analyst
and speech writer for the 1964
Goldwater Presidential

Mr. Nutter became the
second University faculty
member to be appointed to
high office in the Nixon
administration in 1969. Law
Prof. Edwin S. Cohen was
named assistant secretary of
the treasury for tax affairs.

Mr. Nutter received both
bachelor and doctoral degrees