University of Virginia Library

Fourth-Year Woman Murdered;
Suspect Arrested In Richmond


A 21-year-old University
student was stabbed to death
early yesterday morning in the
100 block of Rugby Road,
allegedly in the parking lot of
Westminster Presbyterian

Fourth-year elementary
education student Mary
Frances Jordan of Arlington
died at 2:55 a.m. at University
Hospital of multiple stab
wounds in the chest, abdomen,
arms and head.

Richmond police
apprehended Ronald W.
Greenfield of 426 17th St.,
N.W., Charlottesville, yesterday
afternoon at the Medical
College of Virginia Hospital in
Richmond. Charged with
murder, Mr. Greenfield had last
been seen bleeding heavily
from serious cuts on the little
and ring fingers of his right

Both Miss Jordan and Mr.
Greenfield, whose age is
allegedly 17, worked at Poe's
on the Corner. Mr. Greenfield,
also known as "R.J." and
"Reynolds," had reportedly
lived in Nantucket, Mass., until

Poe's Employee

According to City
Commonwealth's Atty. John
T. Camblos, Mr. Greenfield had
only been working at Poe's "a
very short while."

The victim had agreed
to drive Mr. Greenfield home
after work, and the stabbing
supposedly occurred in her car,
which Mr. Camblos later
described as "very bloody."

The assault occurred at
12:45 a.m.

A student living on Virginia
Avenue heard screams, ran
outside his apartment and saw
someone fitting Mr.
Greenfield's description
running from the scene.

Weapon Missing

The student carried Miss
Jordan into his apartment, and
she was later taken by the
Rescue Squad to University

The murder weapon had
not been found by early
yesterday evening.

Mr. Camblos announced
last night about 8 p.m. that Mr.
Greenfield's father, who lives
in New York State, had been

notified of his son's arrest. He
was expected to arrive in
Charlottesville last night.

The city police, who are
holding the minor in custody,
said they would make no
further comment until Mr.
Greenfield's father arrived.

University Information
Director William H. Fishback
Jr. said Miss Jordan was a
Dean's List student and had
transferred to the University
from Marymount College,
N.Y., last year.

Apartment Resident

She resided in a city
apartment here.

The Student Affairs Office
yesterday afternoon issued
factual accounts of the
homicide to all resident staff
members. Staff members were
asked to assure counsels that
"there is no cause for

The memorandum
suggested that students
"should be careful and exercise
normal caution."

Not A Student

Assoc. Dean of Students
Annette Gibbs stressed the fact
that Mr. Greenfield is not a
University student.