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Agnew Berates McGovern
For 'Capricious' Judgment


RICHMOND–"Virginia, I
am sure, is going to send
Richard Nixon back to a
second term in the Presidency
by a resounding margin," Vice
President Spiro T. Agnew told
a capacity Richmond Coliseum
crowd last night.

"At this time, my Virginia
friends, I am sure that you will
go a step farther and will give
the President a Congress that
will work with him to translate
into action the sound programs
developed during the first four
Nixon years," Mr. Agnew said.

Winds Up Campaign

Mr. Agnew wound up the
Republican presidential
reelection campaign, adding
needed support for Virginia
Republican Senatorial
candidate William L. Scott.

"In Virginia that new
Congress means the election of
Bill Scott to the United States

"Bill will be a worthy
colleague to your great
Independent Senator Harry

"Virginia needs more...of
the Byrd philosophy on
economic and defense

Mr. Agnew also asked the
primarily white crowd to aid in
the election of Republican
Congressional candidates from

Cites Republicans

He singled out J. Kenneth
Robinson of the Seventh
District, Joel Broyhill of the
Tenth District, William
Whitehurst of the Second
District and William Wampler
from the Ninth District.

"President Nixon needs
these men in Washington to
help enact positive legislation
for the country."

He also commended Va.
Republican Gov. Linwood S.
Holton. "The nation needs
solid leadership of Lin Holton's

Ending his campaign in
Richmond for the second time,
Mr. Agnew told the rally,
"When I was with you four
years ago, America was in the
grips of crisis."

He said inflation was
ravaging the country, American
men were fighting in Vietnam
and "some campuses had
become the citadels of

"Richard Nixon responded
to the nation's cry for
leadership. He brought the
troops from Vietnam without
welshing on our treaty
commitments to the
Vietnamese people."

Mr. Nixon has "put the
brakes on inflation and
revitalized the economy," Mr.
Agnew said.

"Richard Nixon brought to
America a new sense of
stability and tranquility at

"America is in the middle
of a boom, the Vice President
said. McGovern is in the
process of a bust. And that is
understandable considering his

"He has lunged. He has
lurched, he has flipped and he
has most certainly flopped."

Mr. Agnew called Mr.
McGovern "a flopulist".

"He has failed to become a
credible candidate."

"He has failed because he is
wrong on the issues, excessive
on his simplistic tirades and
capricious in his judgments."

"If McGovernism were a
location it could be declared a
disaster area."

Mr. Agnew concluded his
speech by saying, "I'm sure
you'll give to the President the
overwhelming vote of
confidence his record and his
character so obviously

Throughout Mr. Agnew's
speech, he was harassed by a
small band of hecklers. The
Vice President's only response
was, "We have our regulars from
Romper Room and Captain