University of Virginia Library

Jefferson Hall Admits Coed,
Strikes 'Male' From By-Laws


The Jefferson Literary and Debating
Society in a regular Friday night meeting
voted to amend their constitution to
allow the admission of women to its

A vote of 35-7 to strike the word
"male" from the membership clause of
the constitution climaxed hours of debate
for which less than half the members
were in attendance. A three-fourths vote of
those present is necessary to pass an

The society was faced with the loss of
Jefferson Hall as a meeting place because
of threatened Student Council
enforcement of a state law prohibiting
sexual discrimination.

Speakers for the amendment were
Dave Llewellyn, Bryan Lyles, and John
Corvalla, all fourth-year College students.
Their argument centered around the fact
that the society was indeed a literary and
debating society and as such women
members would in no way be detrimental
to this function.

Charles Weir and Howard MacRae,
both third-year College students, spoke
against the amendment citing the
tradition of all male membership
throughout history including such figures
as James Madison, James Monroe,
Woodrow Wilson, Edgar Allen Poe, and

Raucous Atmosphere

The critics also pointed out that the
beer drinking and generally raucous
atmosphere which prevails at the
meetings is something ladies should not
care to participate in.

In other action Friday night the
Jefferson Society, behind closed doors,
discussed applications for memberships.
Of the five women under consideration
only one was approved for probationary
membership. She is Barbara Golden, a
second-year College student.

Barbara Sugarman, fourth year, had
her application delayed for
reconsideration until the next meeting
two weeks hence. She had declared last
week to bring action against the Jefferson
Society if her civil rights were violated.

According to president Bob Rust
many members thought the delay would
lead to a better appraisal of Mrs.
Sugarman's application, "by allowing the
situation to cool down some."

Reversed Support

Several members had reversed their
support of the amendment to opposition
toward it because they were enraged at
what they considered an "irresponsible
threat" from Mrs. Sugarman. She
appeared before the Jefferson Society
Friday night to assure them that this was
not the case, and that she was not some
"Women's Lib fanatic."

After the amendment was passed Mrs.
Sugarman revealed that, "she was very
pleased that the Jefferson Society voted
to accept women." She added, "this will
show the women of the University that
they can be first-class citizens."

All applicants approved for
probationary membership must present a
speech passed by four-fifths vote, work at
the cocktail party, and serve refreshments
at the regular meetings for the period of
one semester. To become a member then
requires a four-fifths vote.