University of Virginia Library

Committee Accepts
New Lighting Plan


Proposals for lighting and sidewalks
were accepted unanimously Wednesday
by the University Committee on Security
and General Safety.

The Committee is compiling plans by
subcommittees on sidewalks and on
outside lighting, and will submit a report
to President Shannon. A Student Council
recommendation for interim lighting was
also accepted.

Phil Chabot, a member of the Council,
explained that he made the motion on
November 16 because he thought "the
problem was severe enough that we
needed some light while waiting for
permanent installations."

The motion requests that interior and
exterior building lights be left on from
dusk until dawn in certain areas. Among
the designated areas are Alderman
Library office lights on the west side and
carrel lights. The request also includes
Cocke Hall, Newcomb Hall and Glass Hat.

The subcommittee on outside lighting
toured the Grounds and "expressed its
feeling of urgency on acquiring adequate
lighting," according to the subcommittee

The subcommittee established
priorities for installation of lights stating
"that the actual selection of lighting
should be done with care" and
recognizing "the apparent cost involved."

"We hope to get a general glow from
these lights," Mr. Chabot said.

The subcommittee on sidewalks listed
four areas in their report. First priority is
a continuous side walk on the west side
of Emmet Street from McCormick Road
to Ivy Road. A sidewalk along Alderman
Road is included in the second priority

The subcommittee also suggested that
"the Traffic Committee be asked to look
into bicycle paths along sidewalk
priorities and also look into traffic
control for bicycles."