University of Virginia Library

Council Condemns
Housing Policies


The Student Council, last week,
unanimously passed a resolution
condemning "the recently manifested
intention of the Director of Housing to
apply certain of the contractual 'Terms
and Conditions of Residence' in
University dormitories in the furtherance
of his personal social preferences."

The Council further requested in the
resolution that "the University
Committee on Housing specifically
delineate the jurisdiction of the Director
of Housing in regard to social and
personal use of the University
dormitories, as opposed to the physical
maintenance of the same."

Guest Regulations

According to the sponsor of the
motion, Allen Barringer, third-year Law
School representative, Ralph Main,
Director of Housing, has reinterpreted
two sections of the "Terms and
Conditions of Residence". The two
sections Mr. Barringer referred to are that
"overnight guests may be entertained in
the Houses only (as specified)" and that
"the University reserves the right to make
such other rules as it deems necessary for
the protection of property..."

Presently the Housing Office charges
two dollars for overnight guests in a
dormitory room. Kenneth Jones, Business
Manager of University Housing said that
the charge is for the rental of the linen
and that cots are available at no charge.

However, Mr. Barringer stated that in
the "Terms and Conditions" there is no
mention of a charge for overnight guests.

Prevention of Room Abuse

Concerning this facet of the "Terms
and Conditions", the resolution states
that "Council considers that the quoted
Terms are properly applied, respectively,
to prevent the abuse of 'guests' status by
an unpaid, unauthorized, semipermanent
resident, and, to preserve the physical
condition of the room and its
University-supplied furnishings from year
to year; and for no other purpose."

The resolution continues to state that
"Council asserts on behalf of the
dormitory residents that such terms do
not convey the authority to regulate a
student's choice of room furnishings, or
his possession therein of camping or
athletic equipment or his use of heavy
furnishings (unless the load-carrying
capacity of the particular room is
exceeded, as determined by a
disinterested third party)."

Articles which have been banned by
Mr. Main include extra mattresses,
waterbeds, and bathtubs. According to
Mr. Barringer, Mr. Main invoked the
damage of property rules in banning these
articles from dormitory rooms.

Also the Council asserted in the
resolution that "the enforcement of
parietal hours lies only in the Office of
Student Affairs, as delegated, and is not
fit subject for enforcement, harassment,
embarrassment, or the collecting of
clandestine fines by the Director of
Housing through surveillance by the
housekeeping staff."

The resolution and a forwarding letter
has been sent by the Council to Annette
Gibbs, Chairman of the University
Committee on Housing, for her