University of Virginia Library

HEW Criticizes
Byrd For Attack


Elliot L. Richardson, Secretary of
Health, Education and Welfare, in a letter o
to Harry F. Byrd Jr. (Ind.-Va.) last week
criticized the Senator for making what he
termed unfounded charges against HEW.

Mr. Richardson was replying to a
letter from Mr. Byrd written on
September 20. The letter called for the
dismissal of Eloise Severinson, director of
HEW's Philadelphia office for civil rights.

Mr. Richardson stated that he had no
intention of firing Mrs. Severinson. He said he
found that Mr. Byrd has "a general
misunderstanding as to this department's civil
rights role and procedures in the area of school

Mr. Byrd's letter was in reference to what he
called the continuous harassment of Virginia
schools in general and specifically those
methods used by HEW in dealing with
Albemarle school officials last summer.

Mr. Byrd was referring to what his press
secretary termed unreasonable requests to be
carried out in insufficient time. Mr. Byrd's
office received this information through
correspondence with Clarence S. McClurey,
Superintendent of Education in Albemarle

In releasing Mr. Richardson's letter, Wednesday, Mr. Byrd also issued a statement
saying that two more cases of what he called
HEW interference in Virginia recently had come
to his attention.

"Overwhelming Evidence"

"I believe the evidence of HEW's
unreasonable and harassment is overwhelming,"
Mr. Byrd said.

He also objected to Mr. Byrd's contention
that HEW was ignoring President Nixon's
sentiments on the subject of busing school
children to achieve racial balance.

Mr. Richardson said in the letter: "In his
statement of August 3, the President affirmed
his opposition to busing to achieve racial
balance and he directed federal agencies to hold
busing to the minimum required by law. HEW
is abiding by this policy."

"At the same time, however, the President
has made it abundantly clear that the
administration is committed to carrying out the
mandates of the Constitution and the decision
of the Supreme Court. I must assume that you
agree with the responsibility of the executive
branch in this regard." Mr. Richardson added.

Mr. Richardson said that Mr. Byrd's letter
had implied that a Supreme Court decision was
limited to the specific instance and state it
referred to and that HEW "should ignore the
application Supreme Court rulings in
administering the provision of Title VI of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964," Mr. Richardson said,
"To the contrary, we are bound by such

Provision Compliance

He said that HEW's effort in Albemarle
County were not harassing but "responsible
efforts to encourage compliance with the
provisions of Title VI."

In summary, Mr. Richardson wrote, "I have
no intention of dismissing Mrs. Severinson or
any other HEW employee on the basis of the
allegations contained in your letter. As
indicated, they are for the most part

"And I am constrained to point out, in
turn," she continued, "that after surveying the
publicity given to these allegations, HEW
employees may have a stronger claim to the
charge of 'harassment'."


Harry F. Byrd Jr.

Senator Cites Unreasonable Requests