University of Virginia Library

Bogard Wins Election
In Second Run—Off



Photo by Charlie Sands

No Pollwatcher Watched This Ballot Box In Newcomb Hall

The Box Was Left Unattended, Even After Fraudulent Elections Last Year

Hal Bogard won the presidency of
the graduating class yesterday by
defeating Jay McSpadden by a vote of
228 to 183.

In Student Council elections, Maryann
McDermott was elected to represent the
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
Pat Barker was also elected to represent
the Medical School. Both students ran
unopposed in their separate elections.

John Wood defeated Alan Featherstone
by a vote of 88 to 76 to become the College
representative to the Degree Candidates'
Council. The Council is charged primarily with
the selection of a graduation speaker and the
class gift.

Voter Turnout

Election Committee chairman Steve
Edwards stated that the voter turnout for this
type of election had been good with
approximately 20 percent of the eligible
student body participating. He also stated that
"In contrast to last Spring's election, there were
no irregularities in this election."

In the referendum put before the graduating
class regarding the selection of a graduation
speaker, Walter Cronkite, William F. Buckley
and Senator Edward Kennedy received the
greatest number of votes. Howard Cosell and
John Kenneth Galbraith also received support.

In regard to the referendum, Mr. Edwards
stated, "The purpose of this referendum was
only to get an idea of where student opinion
lies with regard to the type of speaker they
would like to have at graduation."

Speaker Selection

Mr. Bogard, as president of the graduating
class, will also chair the Degree Candidates
Council. "There seems to be a
misunderstanding about the selection of a
graduation speaker." He stated. A tentative list
of speakers was presented to the class by the
executive board."

"We hoped people would write in other
choices," he continued. "The list was very
preliminary. We only wanted to get some idea
of whom people wanted."

Mr. Bogard also said, "We hope to
circumvent the Committee on Public Occasions
in the selection of a speaker this year. It seems
ironic that we have to obtain permission from
this committee to invite someone that we, the
class, want."

Political Figures

"Last year 70 names were presented to this
Committee," he stated. "All thirty were
rejected as being too political. Among these
names were Ralph Nader and Senator Hugh
Scott of our own Board of Visitors," he

"After receiving no response from the
committee after the executive board submitted
the name of Attorney General Ramsay Clark,
Bob Nigro, president of last year's graduating
class, personally issued an invitation to Mr.
Clark on behalf of the class," he continued.
"Only through last minute efforts on behalf of
the Legal Forum of the Law School were we
able to have Senator Vance Hartke


Photo by John Darling

Hal Bogard

Fourth-Year Class President