University of Virginia Library

City Council Grants
Funds To Mad Hall


Charlottesville City Council last night
voted unanimously to grant a request for
$5,474 from the Office of Volunteer
Community Service, also known as the
Master and Fellows of Madison Hall.

By this action, City Council has
enabled the Office to receive an
additional $10,881 in matching funds
under a federal grant. The funds, authorized
under Title I of the Higher Education Act of
1965, will be used to defray operating expenses
for service programs in the city.

Proposal Introduced

Beat Steiner, student coordinator for Mad
Hall, had the proposal introduced to the City in
August through Bern Ewert, assistant to the
City Manager. At the September 21, 1971
meeting of the Council, Mr. Steiner explained
to the members the role of University students
in city-oriented services program.

The proposal was presented to the Council
last night by City Manager Cole Hendrix. A
motion by Councilman Francis Fife to grant
the appropriation was passed unanimously by

The appropriation marks the first time the
Charlottesville Council has ever funded any
University organization.

Referring to the Council action, Mr. Steiner
stated that the total federal package of
approximately $16,000 will "make it possible,
under our present financial constraints, to
continue our programs."

According to Randy Weibel, president of
Madison Hall, The Office of Volunteer
Community Service will still fall about $10,000
short of the $35,000 necessary to finance
programs for the 1971-72 session. He added
that the deficit will have to be made up through
community contributions or other donations.

$5,000 in Interest

In addition to the federal grant, the Office
will receive $5,000 in interest from the
organization's endowment fund. However, the
Office must make up a $6,800 deficit incurred
from last year's expenses.

Student Council has also allocated $4,200 to
the Office for this year. The allocation was
made in May in response to the Office's request
for $7,300.

Mr. Steiner said that the $145,000 received
this year from the sale of Madison Hall and
Madison Bowl to the University was ear-marked
for the endowment fund. The total amount of
$725,000 for the sale will be paid in
installments by the University. In future years,
Mr. Steiner added, service programs will be
financed from the interest on this endowment

Mr. Weibel noted that, due to the sale of
Madison Hall, the Office is in need of funds for
a new building at an additional estimated cost
of $200,000. He said that they are at present
seeking a foundation to finance this expense.

In offering the proposal to grant Madison
Hall funds last night, Mr. Hendrix pointed out
to the Council that the services provided by the
Tutoring and Big Brother/Big Sister Programs
alone would amount to a $20,000 contribution
to the City if valued at minimum wages. Other
community projects of the Master and Fellows
of Madison Hall include Companionship
Therapy, Operation SCRUB, tutoring, and
Professional Services.