University of Virginia Library

Senior Class To Select
New President Tomorrow



Jay McSpadden

Fourth Year Presidency Contender

Balloting will begin Wednesday for the
selection of a President of the Senior

A representative from the College to
the Degree Candidate's Council and two
members of the Student Council will be
chosen on the same ballot.

The class of 1972 will vote for the third
time to choose a president and a College
representative to the Degree Candidate's
Council. In the first election, the races for these
offices failed to produce the 40 per cent vote
needed for any candidate to win.

In the subsequent runoff election for
president, the Student Council's Election
Committee found irregularities in the ballots.
There were a number of ballots which were
identical in votes, ink color, and shape of the
check mark. Committee chairman Steve
Edwards commented that "there was clearly no
attempt to conceal the ballot box-stuffing."
The election was subsequently declared invalid
by the Elections Committee.

Hal Bogard and Jay McSpadden are the
candidates for president, and Alan Featherstone
and John R. Wood are running for College
representative to the Degree Candidate's
Council, whose primary responsibility is
organizing the graduation ceremonies.

The Student Council election will seat a
representative from the Medical School and the
Graduate School. Maryann McDermott of
the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences is
running one-candidate races for her school

A referendum will be put before the
graduating class on the same ballot to decide on
a choice of speakers for Commencement. Those
appearing on the list are Walter Cronkite,
William F. Buckley, Senator Edward Kennedy,
Howard Cosell, Senator Birch Bayb, Treasury
Secretary John Connally, Senator Mike
Mansfield, George Meany and John Kenneth

In order to eliminate the problem of ballot
box-stuffing, the Council has picked more poll
watchers and has decreased the number of
hours the polls will be open. Voting times will
be 8:45 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Wednesday and
Thursday. Poll watchers will be stationed at all
balloting locations.

Elections Committee Chairman Edwards
stated, "Last year the system of poll watchers
was unsuccessful, but this year through closer
supervision we hope to eliminate the problem
of ballot box-stuffing."

The ballot boxes will be located at strategic
points around the Grounds with few changes
from last year. A ballot box will be located in
the new Medical Education Building, but, since
first-yearmen will not be voting in the election,
the boxes will not be placed in Tuttle House or
on the second floor of Cabell Hall.


Hal Bogard

Candidate For Class Presidency