University of Virginia Library

Council Proposes Holiday
For State General Elections


Student Council asked the
Administration for an academic holiday
on Virginia's general election day,
November 2.

In passing the motion for the holiday,
13 to 7, Council also voted to "provide
mechanism for issuing absentee ballots
for students."

A second motion presented by Alan
Barringer, Law School representative, was
unanimously adopted. It urged "the Madison
Hall legal service to provide absentee ballot
information to students, and lend assistance in
the publication and execution of this effort."

The motion will now be presented to
University President Edgar F. Shannon or the
Faculty for further action.

In other action, Council tabled a motion for
the second time providing for the distribution
to first-year students of the pamphlet on birth
control-"An Ounce of Prevention." Council
adopted a motion "to seek legal advise as to
implications of such action."

Under Virginia law it is illegal to publish
material promoting abortions. The article includes
publication of abortion referral agencies. In
the pamphlet two paragraphs fall under this
latter category. Acting on the advise of Mr.
Barringer, Council decided to find out what
corrections must be made to the pamphlets
before they may be distributed.

Tom Collier, Council president, announced
the chairmen of the four Committees of the
Council. Mike Flock will be head of the
Academic and Athletic Committee, while Chris
Kerr and Bob Levin will co-head the Equality
Committee. Steve Edwards will chair the
Committee on Communications while the
Expansion Committee will be headed by Phil

These Council Committees were formed this
year in an effort to collect the numerous past
committees into four all encompassing
categories. The purpose of the committees, Mr.
Collier stated, "was to bring about the
realization of what Council decides ought to be

When asked about the amount of power the
committees were to have, Mr. Collier said that
"all committee funds for whatever project have
to be allocated by Council, and that all
publications, letters and public actions have to
be approved by me." After several proposals
Council voted to send a letter to the first-year
class via counselors informing them of the
First-Year Council elections which will be held
on September 29. The first meeting of the
newly formed council is scheduled for October

After objections were raised about the early
date of the election it was decided that a
second election of First-Year Council members
take place at the beginning of second semester.
It was hoped that the second election would
enable the class to replace their representatives
if they proved ineffective.