University of Virginia Library

Officials Arrest Student
For Hashish Importation

By Philip Kimball
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer


Photo By Charley Sands

Narcotics Agent Carl Deavers And Security Chief Ray Houchens

The Law Agents Wait For Pickup Truck After Arresting Andy Anderson

Irving "Andy" Anderson, a third year
student in the College, was arrested
yesterday afternoon in his apartment by
federal agents "on the charge of
importing and conspiring to import

According to state narcotics agent Carl
Deavers the raid was conducted by U.S.
Customs officials with cooperation from
the U.S. Postal Inspectors Office, State
and City police and the University
Security Department. The arrest was
made in Mr. Anderson's apartment in a
rooming house on the corner of Madison
Lane and University Avenue shortly after
he received a small package containing
two pounds of hashish worth
approximately $7,000.

Mail Carrier

Mr. Anderson explained that he was
awakened around 11:30 by a U.S. mail
carrier who presented him with a special
delivery package. After signing for it. Mr.
Anderson said he placed the package outside his
door and returned to bed. "I assumed it was
from my mother because she's the only one
who sends me packages," he stated.

Mr. Anderson continued to say that about
fifteen minutes later federal agents knocked on
his door showing him a search warrant which
authorized them to look for a "controlled
substance." After finding the package,
approximately five officials conducted a
thorough search of the room. "They
confiscated two pipes, a decongestant pill, tin
foil containing the residue from a drug and
various personal letters and notes," stated Mr.

"I did not know what was in the package
until they told me." Mr. Anderson continued

Approximately an hour after the officials
had entered his room Mr. Anderson was taken
from the apartment building. A small crowd of
University students who had gathered as the
rumor of a "bust" spread jeered as the agents
emerged from the building.

Photo Attempts

A member of the crowd yelled and gestured
obscenely at a city policeman who attempted
to photograph students who were taking
pictures of the proceedings. Mr. Anderson was
led to one of two unmarked police care parked
in a prohibited zone on Madison Lane. After
the package with the narcotics was put in the
trunk, he was then driven away with several of
the agents.

The second car containing Mr. Deavers, who
was dressed in a green turtleneck and wearing
light blue sunglasses, and another official, was
unable to follow because of a flat tire which
had occurred while the officers were
conducting their search inside the building.

Tow Truck

Mr. Deavers then summoned a tow truck
with a two way radio. Approximately ten
minutes later the truck arrived. After the air in
the tire had been replaced the second car drove
off leaving students yelling after it.

When contacted about the search and
consequent arrest, Rea Houchens of the
University Security Department said that his
role in the raid was that "of an interested

"We are there to protect students'
interests," he stated.

After being booked, Mr. Anderson was
brought before U.S. District Commissioner
Richard Barrick for a bond hearing. He was
later released on a $2,000 recognizance bond.
His preliminary hearing has been set for 3 p.m.
on Monday, May 17.


Photo By Charley Sands

Carl Deavers, Other Agents Arrest Mr. Anderson

Official Carries Paper Package Allegedly Containing Hashish