University of Virginia Library

Newspaper Selects 1971-72 Staff;
Shea Elected Editor - In - Chief

By Terry Jasperson
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

In elections held Sunday night, Peter
Huntley Shea was chosen Editor-in-Chief
of The Cavalier Daily for 1971-72.

Mr. Shea, a third-year student, is a
former News Editor and City Editor. As
editor-in-chief, he will be responsible for
general administration and supervision of
all departments as well as the formulation
of editorial policy.

Robert Buford IV, a past Features
Editor, was elected Editorial Editor. In
this capacity he will be exclusively
responsible for editorial writing, with the
approval of the editor-in-chief.

Other members of the Managing Board
elected were Donn G. Kessler as Managing
Editor and Brian H. Cash as Business Manager.
Mr. Kessler was formerly Special Projects
Editor and Mr. Cash was formerly Local Ad
Manager. Both are third-year students.

The Managing Editor has the direct
responsibility for the layout of the news pages
and has general supervisory powers over all
literary departments. The Business Manager has
general supervisory powers over the advertising
and circulation departments.

Award Given

By a unanimous vote, Frederick Theodore
Heblich, former Managing Editor, was chosen
to receive the Henry Noble Taylor Award. It is
presented annually by the Seven Society to
"that member of The Cavalier Daily staff who
best exemplifies the traditions and ideals of the

The award is given in memory of Mr. Taylor,
Cavalier Daily editor-in-chief for 1949-50, who
drowned while serving as a Foreign
Correspondent for United Press in the Congo.

Outgoing editor-in-chief, Thomas Cule
Adams, received the Chase Stuart Wheatley III
Memorial Award, given to the staff member
"who has best demonstrated outstanding
service to the University through this

Members of the newly-created Editorial
Board are Ernest Dempsey, Brian Siegel,
Michael Gartlan and Holly Smith. The Editorial
Board will advise the Editorial Editor and will
aid him in researching and writing editorials.

Junior Board

Junior Board positions of News Editor went
to Bryan DeLaney and Barry M. Levine. Both
were past City Editors. The constitution was
amended to include two features editors and
two sports editors. Features Editors positions
will be filled by Robert U. Pritchard and
Stephen G. Wells. Thomas G. Bell, Jr. and
Randall G. Wert were chosen as Sports Editors.

Another Junior Board position, Special
Projects Editor, went to Stephen F. Grimwood.
Working with Mr. Grimwood will be Steven
Johnson as Wire Editor.

In the Photography department, Charley
Sands and Andy Stickney will act as
Photography Supervisors.

On the business staff, Ben Gray, a
second-year student, will be Assistant Business
Manager. Third-year student Kip Klein and
first-year student Maryland Love were elected
Local Ad Managers. Phil Cocke will be the new
National Advertising Manager.

Staff Positions

The News Board includes City Editors Neill
Alford, Ann Brown. Chris Donart, Terry
Jasperson and Philip Kimball.

Aiding them as Night Editors are Jamie
Beeghley, Parkes Brittain, Linda Eichelbaum,
Richard Jones, Mark Schapiro and Ira

Associate Features Editors for the coming
year will be Walter Bardenwerper and Sharon
Mayes. Working with them as Assistant
Features Editors are Patti Kyle and Charles

In the Circulation Department, David
Shriver was elected Circulation Manager and
Grey Stiff was chosen Assistant Circulation

In addition, writers for the 1971-72 session
will include Hugh Carter, Paul Chaplin, Doug
Doughty, Harv Feigenbaum, Robert Gillmore,
and John Markon.

Other writers will be Stuart Pape, William
Smith, Teri Towe, George Wilkinson and Jim

The new staff assume their duties with this
edition of the paper. Their term runs through
the remaining part of this school year until the
spring of next year.

Mr. Shea states, "While no drastic changes
are planned, we hope to make improvements in
our entire operation and especially try to make
the CD more of a newspaper and less of a
bulletin board."