University of Virginia Library

Committee To Select
New Dean Of Faculty

By William T. Smith

The University has begun its search for
a new Dean for the Faculty of Arts and
Sciences to replace David A. Shannon,
who was recently appointed Vice
President and Provost of the University.

Mr. Shannon will replace Frank L.
Hereford, the present Provost, who is
retiring June 30.

A Selection Committee has been
created by President Edgar F. Shannon
under the Chairmanship of Professor
Lawrence W. Frederick to search for a
replacement for Dean Shannon. Mr. Frederick,
Chairman of the Astronomy Department
formally accepted the Chair of the Committee

While he could not provide the names of the
individual members of the Committee, Mr.
Frederick did say that the Committee would
consist of seven faculty members, five from the
College of Arts and Sciences, and two from the
University at large.

Although he would not name a specific
candidate, Mr. Frederick stated that the field of
prospective candidates is "wide open." When
questioned about the extent of student
influence in the selection process, Mr. Frederick
replied he would discuss the matter with
'student leaders' but that the final decision
would necessarily rest with the Committee.

Mr. Frederick added that he would welcome
recommendations for the post from the
University Community.

Mr. Shannon has been Dean of the Faculty
for the College of Arts and Sciences since his
arrival at the University from Rutgers in 1969,
and has served as a professor of history
throughout this period. He has taught a history
majors' seminar discussing the problems of the
United States Great Depression.

Mr. Hereford has served as University
Provost and Vice President since its inception in
1966. According to President Shannon, the
post was created as a response to the needs of
continued University growth.

Upon his retirement in June, Mr. Hereford
plans to do physics research in Scotland, and
ultimately to resume teaching.


By Howard Weinberg

David A. Shannon

New Vice President and Provost