University of Virginia Library

Honor Committee Reverses
Vending Machine Decision

By Philip Kimball
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

A first-year student who was given 24
hours to leave the University Sunday
after the Honor Committee found him
guilty of stealing several drinks from a
vending machine in Echols Dormitory
was given a reprieve by the Committee
last night.

After two hours of deliberation last
night the Honor Committee proper,
which is composed of the Presidents of
the ten schools of the University and the Vice
President of the College, declared a null verdict
"in this particular case."

Sunday evening as Honor Committee
composed of 5 Presidents, 3 vice presidents,
and one secretary from eight schools of the
University found the student guilty of stealing.

But last night the Committee ruled that it
"does not believe that this student's behavior
can fall within the jurisdiction of the Honor
System as it now exists."

Three other first-year students were charged
with taking soft drinks from the same machine,
which had been left open. Dave Bowman, Vice
Chairman of the Committee, said las night that
these charges would probably be dropped.

Late last night, the two accusers in all four
cases told The Cavalier Daily that they were
dropping charges in the remaining three cases
"in view of the Committee's statement."

David Morris, Chairman of the Committee,
said that this was an unusual case since the
question of the scope of the System was the
primary issue.

"In any trial," Mr. Morris said, "the three
questions which must be answered affirmatively
for a finding of guilt are whether the alleged act
was committed, whether the student had the
requisite intent, and whether the current
student generation considered the act so
reprehensible as to warrant dismissal.

"Consequently, in this case, interpreting
student opinion as to the scope - if the act
should fall under the Honor System - was of
paramount importance," he said.

First-year students questioned yesterday by
The Cavalier Daily said that as many as 30
students may have taken drinks from the
vending machine.