University of Virginia Library

Food Services Implements
Major Innovative Reforms

By Sharon Mayes

At least one-half of the suggestions
made by a report from the Student
Council to Food Services are to be
implemented within the next two weeks,
Michael Flock, chairman of the Student
Council Food Services Committee, told
The Cavalier Daily today. In addition, 3.2
beer will be sold in cans at the Glass Hat
and the Castle as soon as Food Services
can obtain a license, which won't be for a
few months.

The suggestions made in the Food
Service Committee's report were
compiled from a general survey that was
taken of all undergraduates in University
housing last November. Mr. Flock presented the
report to Bernard Fontana, Director of Food
Services, early in February. Results have been
promised in the way of eight major
improvements within the next few weeks.

New Hours

One of the major changes that will be made
is an increase in the hours that the Glass Hat
and the Castle will be open, Mr. Flock said. The
Castle will be opened from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00
p.m. on Saturdays, and both the Castle and the
Glass Hat will be opened at 7:30 a.m. on
weekday mornings. During the increased
morning hours self-service items in the nature
of a continental breakfast will be served.

Mr. Fontana has stipulated that the new
hours will be added as soon as people can be
found to fill the three new shifts that will be
necessary to keep the Castle and the Hat open
these extra hours.

About eighteen students who are wiling to
fill the jobs for the rest of the year are needed.
Anyone who is interested should contact Mrs.
Grace Ordel on the fourth floor of Newcomb

Several improvements will also be made as
far as the types of food offered by Food
Services, Mr. Flock said. Submarine sandwiches
will be served at least on a monthly "specialty"
basis, and perhaps roast beef sandwiches will be
offered on a daily basis.

Recipe Contest

Regarding the committee's suggestion that
Food Services sell pizza, Mr. Fontana was "not
sure" whether pizza can be offered within the
near future because of the additional
equipment it would require.

Mr. Fontana added that a contest is being
conducted by Food Services among its
employees for new recipe suggestions. The best
recipes proffered in this contest will be served
by Food Services in the Open Square and
Contract cafeterias.

A wider variety of food is also planned for
the vending machines. Mr. Flock stated that
pastry and sandwich machines will be added to
the vending machine areas. The report also
suggested that ice machines be provided. Mr.
Fontana said that such a machine will be
purchased if one is made that provides cups of
ice instead of bags.

Contract Lunch Line

Mr. Flock also said that the lunch line in the
Contract Cafeteria will be open until 2 p.m.
(over the 1:30 limit set now during weekdays.
The committee requested that the line be
opened until 2:30 p.m. but Mr. Fontana said
that this would cause overtime problems.

Finally, according to the report's suggestion,
clocks will be placed in Open Square and
Contract cafeterias.