University of Virginia Library

Local Alumni Chapter
Seeks New Constitution

In the near future the Board of
Directors of the Charlottesville
Albemarle Chapter of the Alumni
Association will ask its members to vote
on the fourth a series of constitutions.

The local chapter was revived after
twelve years of inactivity by a group of
interested alumni headed by Lockwood
Frizzell. The first formal meeting of the
group was held in June of 1970. The
main item of business was the adoption
of a constitution. Eight months and three
attempts later the alumni chapter is still trying
to adopt a constitution.

The first proposed constitution was written
from an outline sent by the National
Association to all developing chapters. The
Board of Director and members of the local
chapter found this constitution unsatisfactory.
Their main contention was with the haziness of
the national constitution on the subject of the
membership committee.

A second constitution was written to
incorporate a limit of five members on the
membership committee. It also enabled the
committee to approve any eligible alumni for
membership with a majority vote. Previously
the blackball procedure was employed. This
second constitution was found unsatisfactory,
because it prevented alumni who were in
graduate school from joining the local chapter.
This constitution along with applications for
membership were mailed to the 3,000 eligible
alumni in the Charlottesville — Albemarle
County area. The constitution was passed with
an overwhelming vote of 189 of the 200 votes
cast, in favor of the by-laws. Unfortunately an
incomplete constitution was mailed.

President Frizzell stated that through an
oversight, the third constitution had not been
amended to include the change on the
membership committee and the adjustment of
the wording of the Executive Committee to the
Board of Directors.

In the near future a fourth constitution will
be mailed to the 200 members of the local
alumni chapter. Mr. Frizzell said that it will
incorporate all previous revisions. He feels that
this constitution should pass unanimously.

Mr. Frizzell hopes that when a new
constitution is put into effect, more area
alumni will join the local chapter. Any person
who graduated from the University of Virginia
or any person who attended the University and
was not dismissed dishonorably is eligible for