University of Virginia Library

Council Surveys Women

Student Council's Committee on
Coeducation is conducting a survey this
week to determine the most pressing
concerns of the women at the University.

The survey, which will be handed
personally to women who wish to
participate, was initiated by Student
Council President Kevin Mannix and
Mary Susan Hinson, Chairman of the
Coeducation Committee.

Addressing the purpose of the survey Mr.
Mannix said yesterday, "We may be presuming
a lot when we presume that women have
problems." Mr. Mannix continued to say that if
the women on the grounds do show a concern
will enable the Committee to focus its action.

The main concern that was voiced by
women students at the beginning of the
semester that of lighting the grounds at night is
being resolved through the Department of

Questions addressed to the women include
"Are your needs met socially and academically?
What do you recommend?" A first year co-ed
told a reporter yesterday that she felt that her
social needs were being met and that she had
heard no complaints from her colleagues.

Other questions included in the survey are
directed at discrimination of the various
activities around the grounds.

Question seven is "What recommendations
do you have for Food Services." Mr. Mannix
justified this question yesterday by saying,
"Believe it or not women do have different
tastes in food (than men)."


Photo By Howard Weinberg

Young Co-Ed

Pleased With Her Social Life?