University of Virginia Library

Refrigerators Allowed In Dorms
As Main Resolution Ends Cold War

By Mike Gartlan
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Ralph E. Main, Director of Housing at
the University, announced yesterday a
new policy that will allow dormitory
residents to have refrigerators in their

Mr. Main made this announcement at
a meeting of the senior dormitory
counselors during which he outlined the
new regulations. He said that a
memorandum concerning the new
regulation would be distributed to all
dormitory residents today.

The new regulation states that there
may be only one refrigerator per dormitory
bedroom, and may be located only in the
bedroom. This refrigerator must be no larger
than two feet in any one dimension and must
have a capacity not larger than 3.5 cubic feet.

According to the new regulations, all
students who wish to have a refrigerator must
first obtain a permit from the Housing

Department. These permits will be available
after December 15 and will cost $10 per
refrigerator. This permit will be good for the
remainder of the present academic session
which ends in June.

The regulations state that students may
purchase their own refrigerators provided that
they meet the size specifications and do not
require more than 60 watts.

All refrigerators are to be inspected by the
housing department to insure they meet these
specifications. If it is found that a student has a
refrigerator in his room without a permit, the
student will be assessed $10 for the permit plus
a $10 fine for possession of an illegal

Mr. Main told The Cavalier Daily that the
money received from permit fees will cover
administrative fees connected with the
refrigerators and to pay for trash receptacles
that will be provided to all permit holders.

Mr. Main said also that a portion of the
money will go to the University Food Service
to reimburse them for their expected loss of
vending machine business. He did not say how
much money would be used for this purpose.

The memorandum states that this
reimbursement to Food Service was found to
be necessary in a survey by the Housing office
concerning refrigerators. Mr. Main said that a
cost study will be made during the summer to
determine the fees for next year.

This plan was adopted in lieu of several
other proposals considered by the Housing
Department. It had been proposed that any and
all refrigerators to be allowed in the dormitories
should be rented to students by the University
Food Service.

This renting program called for refrigerators
of the same size that are now acceptable to be
rented to students at a cost of $7.50 per

It was felt that this fee would cover both the
cost of such an operation and the expected
decline in the volume of vending machine