University of Virginia Library

Local Alumni Chapter
Amends Eligibility Rule

By Rob Pritchard
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Recent controversy stemming from
the proposed Constitution of the
Charlottesville Chapter of the University's
Alumni Association has been largely
nullified due to an amendment of Section
1 of that constitution.

Originally that section stated that "All
graduates of the University and all other
persons who have attended as students and are
presently not enrolled at the University residing
in the city of Charlottesville or the county of
Albemarle or contiguous counties, are eligible
to apply for membership..."

Students Ineligible

Thus, graduate students at the University
would not be eligible to join the local Chapter
of the Alumni Association even though they
might live within the area governed by that

However, according to Lockwood Frizzel,
President of the Charlottesville Chapter, the
section in question has been amended in the
proposed Constitution so that those students
who have graduated from the University and
are presently enrolled at the University, may be
selected for membership under the same
qualifications as other graduates.

Next Meeting

In the Chapter's meeting next Tuesday
night, the proposed Constitution will be read,
and according to George H. Gromel, any other
proposed amendments will be recorded at that
time. Both the Constitution and the
amendments will be sent to existing members
and also to prospective new members for their

As stated in Article 2 of the Constitution,
the Center is formed "To promote closer
fellowship among the alumni and students of
the University," but as a number of graduate
students who had originally thought they
would be denied admittance stated, it would be
contradictory to attempt to promote fellowship
among students while at the same time denying
alumni the right to become members of the
Alumni Association.