University of Virginia Library

Frat Parties Swing
Into Openings Action

With Bourbon, Southern Lovelies

Virginia's fraternities, the heart and
soul of the University (if not the
mind), began their traditional
celebrations for Openings Wednesday
night with parties that are planned to
last at least until Monday evening.

As the gawkers and Yankees stroll
down Rugby. Lane they will soon
realize that they are only amateurs at
the art of drinking. Virginia gentlemen
have been known to drink other
College Joes under the table at any
match and this week will prove to be
no exception.

Liquor Sales in C-ville have soared
and at least one Alcoholic Beverage
Commission store has completely run
out of bourbon and whiskey with
vodka and rum in low supply and
swindling quickly.

All The Spirits

All of these spirits are consumed in
the parties taking place this week. As
the fraternity men rest their wearied
heads from a hard day or two of
studies, one can see them relieving
their tired souls in a hefty brew or
cocktail. And then one knows that all
is safe as a bug in a rug at the U. of V.

Drinking, however, is not the only
aspect to Openings. Blue eyed, lily
skinned peaches from all over the
south (and their coarser Northern
cousins) have flown into our quiet
Southern town to partake in the
traditional festivities.

Of course, the fratmen will turn out
in force for the football game. As is
well known by all fratmen. Greeks
never give up but only give the College
try and never say die. They'll be out
there today, then, rooting for the old
Wahoos to score another touchdown
for the Gipper.

All The Frats

All of the frats, from Alpha Epsilon
PI to Kappa Sigma, have scheduled
parties to last through sometime next
week. At least one member of the Kap
Sig's said that they might come out
with an editorial in College. Topics
asking for a suspension of classed to
allow the parties to continue through
next weekend.

The honoraries will also be out in
force picking the big men on campus
for Openings. The Bananas' and the
T.I.L.K.Sx's have already picked their
new men and it is being rumored
around some of the better frats that
the Seven's may even be around to
pick some more of their men of
Southern gentility.

But the big story never changes. It
is the frats that are still all important.
As we all know, being Virginia men,
fraternities make up the heart of
Virginia. Most foreigners to our
honeysuckled campus say that the
Rotunda spiritualized the meaning of
our University, but time and again they
have been proven wrong.

The communal spirit, the
fraternalism, and the love of tradition,
all exemplify the fraternity system and
the University as no one among us has
ever denied.