University of Virginia Library

Council Plans Student Group
To Formulate Conduct Code

By Bryan DeLaney
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

In accordance with the student
referendum passed last week, the Student
Council Tuesday night took the first steps
for establishing a committee to draw up
new rules of conduct.

The committee will be made up of all
students interested in assisting in the
work. All meetings will be open to the

Mike Cohen and Bob Strand would
serve as co-chairmen of the committee.

Mr. Cohen is presently serving as
representative to Student Council from
the Law School. Mr. Strand is past
student body president of the University
of Hawaii and is presently enrolled in the Law

In spite of several requests made by the
Council, the University's Special Committee on
Housing has repeatedly refused to allow Charles
Whitebread, Associate Professor of Law, to
meet with this committee as a regular member.

The Council agreed that this committee as
well as other University planning committees
has refused to give proper consideration to the
possibility of having new University housing
take the form of residential colleges as opposed
to high-rise apartments or similar structures.

Housing Evaluation

The Council urged an immediate open
meeting and a complete evaluation of present
plans for student housing.

Another growing problem at the University
concerns automobile and motorcycle parking.
Engineering representative Bill Fox presented a
report of the Council's Traffic and Parking
Committee urging the University to provide
space for motorcycle parking at eight locations
about the Grounds.

Three major criteria were used for selecting
the areas. First, areas presently being used for
automobile parking would not be used. Second,
all areas recommended are to be presently
inaccessible by automobile, and last, all areas
designated could be prepared for use with a
minimum of expense and work.

Money To ZPG

The areas recommended include the Medical
School courtyard, Law School parking lot,
esplanade of the Graduate School of Business
Administration, Gilmer Hall parking lot,
Amphitheater parking lot, the south entrance
of Newcomb Hall, the McCormick Road
turnaround, and the Rouss Hall parking lot.

During its meeting the Council upheld
appeals by the Zero Population Growth
organization and the Legal Environment Group
reversing the decision by the Organization and
Publications Committee not to allocate them

It had been the original feeling of the
committee that these groups were political in
nature and their activities involved various
forms of propagandizing.

It was proposed by the Council "that the
Student Activities Committee limit itself to
hearing appeals of the Council allocations only
on the question of whether a Board of Visitors
rule has been violated. The amount of an
allocation shall not be appealed beyond the
Student Council."

It should be understood that this proposal
must be approved by the SAC and the Board of
Visitors before taking effect. This proposal
would not preclude any student referendums as
a form of appeal.

For an assortment of reasons, Council
resolved to extend the election for senior class
president through today. It was felt that this
would facilitate greater participation by degree
candidates in the election.

Next week, in addition to its regular
meeting, the Council will hold a special meeting
Wednesday night, November 18.