University of Virginia Library

Robinson Campaigns Tonight

J. Kenneth Robinson, Republican
Congressional candidate from the Seventh
District, will kick off his campaign at 9
tonight at Jefferson Hall.

Mr. Robinson, making his first bid for
national office, faces Murat Williams in
the November 3 general election.

A native of Frederick County, Virginia, Mr.
Robinson is a 1937 graduate of Virginia
Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Horticulture.
He served four years in the U.S. Infantry,
leaving active duty with the rank of Major.
Married to the former Kathryn Rankin, Robinson
is the father of six children and a member
of the Society of Friends.

Mr. Robinson was elected to the Virginia
State Senate in 1965 from the 21st District
representing Winchester and the Counties of;
Frederick, Clarke, Shenandoah and Loudoun.
He was unopposed for re-election to a four year
term in 1967.

Elected Chairman of the Republican Caucus
in 1968 and 1969, he serves on the committees
dealing with General Laws, Agriculture and
Mining, Welfare, Enrolled Bills, and Nominations
and Confirmations.

Mr. Robinson recently stated, "I support
fully the President's plans for disengaging us
from the war effort in Vietnam ...allowing
American units to return to this country while
affording the South Vietnamese the ability to
protect themselves."

"I don't believe that the problems facing
this nation can be solved in the streets. I believe
the solution lies in a return to the traditional
tenets of the American system," remarked Mr.

On the issue of inflation Robinson feels.
"The nation's economic condition today is the
end product of two administrations. I believe in
President Nixon's programs to reverse Inflation
and check its climb by balancing the National