University of Virginia Library


An estimated 1500 University students
converged on the Rotunda last night in what
leaders termed a "spontaneous demonstration"
condemning the fatal shooting of four Kent
State University students by Ohio National
Guardsmen yesterday afternoon.

Following the 30-minute rally, the assembled
group marched to Carr's Hill to
confront University President Edgar F. Shannon
who met the demonstrators at his front

Mark Krebs, the leader of the demonstration,
read a telegram to Mr. Shannon which
had been read earlier at the Rotunda, and
which blasted President Nixon's escalation of
the Indochinese War and denounced the
violence of the Ohio National Guard.

Mr. Shannon responded to the telegram by
saying, "I appreciate your coming here this
evening to express your grave and deep
concern" with the events which occurred at
Kent State... "As I understand your message
tonight... it is perfectly clear and in a manner
we can all agree to."

Mr. Krebs, who himself notified the President
just before the rally took place of his
plans, invited him to address the scheduled rally
tomorrow at 11 a.m., but Mr. Shannon said he
would make no decision until morning. He
refused afterwards to comment further.

Shortly before midnight, about 60 students
occupied Maury Hall and said they would stay
until morning.