University of Virginia Library

Council Continues
Election Extra Day

Write-In, 'No' Ballots Not Valid;
Mannix Assured Of Victory

By Bryan DeLaney
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Barring any further complications, the
Student Council election will be
terminated at 4 p.m. today and will be
considered valid. This, in essence, is the
motion finally passed amidst much
confusion and cries of protest in a special

Student Council meeting held yesterday

The resolution was passed in order to
provide a solution to at least two very
significant problems which had arisen in
the present election. The first of these
problems centers around the possibility
of a write-in campaign for the office of
Council President.

Mannix Unopposed

Initially Kevin Mannix was running
unopposed, and in actuality no other
candidate sought to qualify himself for
this position. As a result Mr. Mannix's name
was the only one to appear on the ballots for

Many students in the University, however,
evidently are opposed to Mr. Mannix's election;
and during the past several days, both organized
and unorganized write-in campaigns have
sprung up. In addition to this it is believed that
many students sought to register their
opposition by voting "no" by Mr. Mannix's
name or by not voting at all for a Presidential

The question now is whether or not write-in
votes,-"no" votes, and blank ballots should be
registered as valid ballots. The importance of
this question hinges on the fact that Mr.
Mannix must win a majority of the actual votes
cast in the election.

"No" Votes

According to the Council Constitution and
the motion just passed, votes such as those
mentioned above would not be counted. What
this means is that the only votes considered as
valid ballots cast are those marked for Kevin
Mannix. Therefore Mr. Mannix will
automatically receive 100 per cent of the
ballots cast.

In reference to this, Henry Doggrell, Council
Representative from the Commerce School,
stated: "I myself left his [Mannix's] box
unmarked meaning a vote against, and I feel
many did the same. However, all this was for
nothing. Kevin can elect himself. I urge those
who have not voted to write "no" over the
ballot in an attempt to show a major student
disapproval of the railroad job by Council."

Results Not Known

Following the meeting, Mr. Mannix stated:
"No matter what the Student Council's
regulations are, I will refuse to accept the
election, and I will ask for an entirely new
election, should more votes be cast against me
- write-ins or "no" votes - than are cast for

The results of the election will not be
known until the ballots are counted today.

The second problem in this election came
yesterday when it was discovered that there
were no ballots at at least four of the polling
places. This is the primary reason for extending
the election one extra day, so that everyone
will have a chance to vote who may not have
due to the lack of ballots.


Photo by Larry Marks

Hugh Antrim

JP Candidate For Vice-President