University of Virginia Library

McConnell Elected Rector

By Donn Kessler
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Joseph H. McConnell, a Richmond
lawyer, was elected Rector of the
University's Board of Visitors yesterday
succeeding Frank W. Rogers, who is
leaving the Board.

Mr. McConnell, who is president of
Reynolds Metals Company was appointed
to the Board Of Visitors in 1968.
Although he has only two more years to serve
in his first term, he will also serve as Rector for
four years until 1974.

Mr. McConnell, who is 63, graduated from
Davidson College and received his law degree
from the University in 1931.

Besides being president of Reynolds Metals
Company, a position he has held since 1963, he
has a long list of experiences in business.

From 1949-1952 he served as president of
the National Broadcasting Company and also
served as president of Colgate-Palmolive-Peet
Company from 1953-1955.

In addition to these previous posts, Mr.
McConnell is the director of the Canadian-British
Aluminum Company and an honorary
trustee of the Manufacturers' Hanover Trust

According to the Manual of the Board of
Visitors, Mr. McConnell, in the position of
Rector will be charged "with the duty of
maintaining that level of interest and activity
among the members of the Board of Visitors as
will best contribute to the determination of
bread policies wise planning for the future,
intelligent and considerate observance of the
rights of the faculty and the student body."

Mr. McConnell will also be charged with the
"care and preservation of the Honor System,
and the maintenance of the independence of
the Board from outside influences harmful to
the interest of the . . . University."

More specifically, the Manual states that the
Rector shall be the "presiding officer of the
Board at all of its meetings" and will "fix the
order of business, appoint all standing and
special committees (except the Executive

Upon the request of the Board, Mr.
McConnell can act as its spokesman or

Mr. McConnell was elected as Rector by the
Board of Visitors as required in the Manual.


Joseph H. McConnell and President Edgar F. Shannon

Newly Elected Rector To Replace Frank W. Rogers As Head Of Board Of Visitors