The Cavalier daily Thursday, February 12, 1970 | ||
Mannix Blasts Make-up
Of Co-ed Advisory Group
By Barry Levine
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer
Charging "inappropriate representation"
in the newly formed Advisory
Planning Committee for Undergraduate
Women, Student Council Vice-President
Kevin Mannix yesterday criticized University
efforts for implementation of coeducation.
In a letter to Vice-President of
Student Affairs D. Alan Williams, Mr.
Mannix said that the procedure under
which the committee was established was
"rather discouraging and upsetting," and that
the makeup was objectionable because "only
two of the six students (on the committee) are
More Women
"Council," Mr. Mannix wrote, "feels that,
since this committee is to deal with problems
which will be faced in incorporating women
into the University and problems which women
themselves will encounter on a day to day,
personal basis, women should make up at least
half, and preferably two thirds, of the
Mr. Mannix labeled as "preposterous" the
fact that Dean of Women Mary E. Whitney is
not a member of the committee, adding that "it
would have been appropriate to make her
chairman of the committee."
Selection Criticized
The method of selection and formation of
the Planning Committee was also criticized by
Mr. Mannix. "We are upset because our initial
recommendations for the establishment of this
committee were not responded to until two
months after they were received," Mr. Mannix
noted. "We also are upset because this
committee was not given the regular administrative
committee standing which we feel such
an important subject deserves."
Council Discouraged
"We are discouraged," he continued; "because
the Council was not consulted as to
which students would serve on this committee."
The reported method of selection was
based on the participation of students on other
administrative committee. But, Mr. Mannix
asserted, "This does not seem credible when
four of the six students on the committee were
chosen on the basis of certain student elected
offices, not on the basis of which administrative
committees they serve on."
The four students mentioned by Mr. Mannix
are Student Council President James Roebuck,
Honor Committee Chairman Whitt Clement,
University Union President George Brown, and
Mr. Mannix himself. The remaining students are
Councilwoman Judy Wellman and another
woman student to be chosen by Dean Williams.
Co-Education Group
The Council has recommended that all the Photo By John Taylor Poster Pays Tribute To Author Of Four-Volume Life Of University's Founder.
students on the Student Council Co-Education
Committee be included in the Planning
Committee membership. In light of the current
situation, Mr. Mannix wrote, "I believe that the
Council would prefer that (Councilwoman and
Co-Education Committee Members) Mary Jean
Dumas Malone, Thomas Jefferson's Biographer, Accepts Accolades.
subcommittee making the student membership
of that subcommittee one half women."
Mr. Mannix concluded by saying he
regretted that the establishment of the
committee needed criticism, and expressed
pleasure "that such a committee was established."
Gym Supervisors
In other business, recommendations were
made at the Tuesday Council meeting for the
Athletic Department to maintain staff members
or students on the work-study program to
supervise evening activities in the gymnasium.
Recently, there have been reports of vandalism
in the gym, and the Council expressed its desire
for students, faculty, and the community to
continue using the facilities at night.
Comprehensive Fee
Councilman Tom Breslin reported that the
Comprehensive Fee might be raised again next
year despite the fact that it was just raised from
$127 per session last year to the present $142
per session. He noted that the Athletic
Department consumes a "sizable" portion of
the fee, and that each student pays $40 per
session to Student Health and $35 per session
to the Faculty Insurance Fund.
The Cavalier daily Thursday, February 12, 1970 | ||