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Visitors And Students Meet,
Further Talks Offered


Paul Hurdle

By Donn Kessler
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

The University's Board of Visitors met
with representatives of Student Council,
The Cavalier Daily, the Honor
Committee, and the Judiciary Committee
Friday. The Board rebuffed two Council
requests and leveled charges at The
Cavalier Daily that it was not
representative of student opinion,
implying that some action would be
taken to force the paper to conform to
the Board's standards or cut off its
subsidy from the Student Activities

While the Board was meeting with
representatives of the Student Council
Friday, over 50 students milled outside of
Pavilion VIII in response to a Council
request for a 'visible show of support' for
student representation at Board meetings
and for increased efforts at equal

educational opportunities.

Inside the meeting were Bud Ogle,
President of the Student Council and Paul
Hurdle, the Council Vice President.
About 1:30 p.m., Mr. Ogle and Mr.
Hurdle came out of the meeting and
moved to the steps of the Rotunda to tell
the crowd what had happened inside the

Little Business

Mr. Hurdle spoke to the crowd first
and stated that the Board had conducted
little business with the two student
representatives but had instead requested
that if the students wished to speak to
the Board, they should arrange for certain
representatives of the student body to
meet with Raymond Bice, Secretary of
the Board, to arrange a meeting with the

Mr. Hurdle stated that the Board had
said that its Student Affairs Committee
would meet with these students at an
all-day non-deliberative meeting to hear
student complaints if such a meeting
could be arranged.

Chicago Incident

Mr. Ogle then addressed the crowd
and stated that this was a "depressing day
for the Board, the world and the nation
as events here are bringing down to a
personal level what events in Chicago are
indicating about where our society is

Mr. Ogle then referred to an incident
occurring in Chicago and reported by The
Washington Post about a police raid and
shoot-out with Black Panther members in
an apartment early that morning.

Refused Signature

"The Board of Visitors," continued
Mr. Ogle, "is supposed to be responsible
to the wishes of the university
community and for the policies of our
community but when we asked them to
sign a letter encouraging alumni to recruit
women, poor whites, and blacks, the
Board indicated that that was in the
jurisdiction of the Office of Admissions
and they refused to sign it."

Mr. Ogle then stated that
misunderstanding was a result of the lack
of communication between the students
and the Board.

He ended by saying that "today's
events only show what kind of
University, what kind of world, and what
kind of country we are living in."

Later, Mr. Ogle informed The Cavalier
Daily of what had happened in the
meeting with the Board. He indicated
that Mr. Hurdle had asked the Board for
better communication between the Board
and the student body and that then he