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First-Year Men To Vote
In Constitutional Referendum

By Brian Siegel
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

First year men will vote on the
First-year Council and Judiciary
constitutions proposed by the Student
Council next Wednesday night.

According to Tony Sherman, Student
Council chairman of the First-Year
Committee, this constitution will give
powers to the first-year dorm residents
that are similar to the Alderman Road

Passage of this new constitution
requires a majority of the 3/5 of the
First-year class that must vote.

No Veto

The powers of this body will concern
all rules applying to the first-year
dormitory residents. Visitation hours and
conduct rules shall not be subject to veto by
the Director of Housing. He will have the right
to veto rules concerning Terms and Conditions
in the resident contracts.

Membership of this First-year Council will
consist of a representative from each floor of
the dorms and three dorm counselors. The
counselors will be chosen by the Executive
Committee of Counselors and according to the
constitution, one must be the Vice-Chairman of

Referendum Results

If this constitution is passed in the election
next Wednesday, October 8, then the elections
for the representatives will be held the
following Wednesday, October 15. The results
of the referendum will be announced next
Friday, according to Jim Riley, assistant
chairman of counselors for first-year dorms.

Officers for the Council of president, vice
president, and secretary-treasurer will be
elected by the Council at their first meeting in

The council representatives will hold office
as long as they are dorm residents. If a
representative should miss three meetings
during the semester without an excuse accepted
by a majority of the Council, then they are
automatically expelled from the body and a new
election will be held on the representative's

Petition by a majority of a floor's residents
can call for a new election any time during the

Judiciary Council

In addition to the First Year Council, the
first-year men will also be voting on the
establishment of a First-year Judiciary Council.
This body will have the power to hold the trials
that are presently heard by the Executive
Committee of Counselors.

This judiciary body will be composed of
four members of the First-year Council and
three members of the Executive Committee of
Counselors. Included in this group will be the
vice-presidents of the first-year council and the
Executive Committee of Counselors.

The Judiciary Council will choose its own
chairman and it will have the power to
recommend a student's suspension in severe

Sex Offenses

Cases involving sex offenses, parking
violations, and cases under the consideration of
Student Health will not fall under the domain
of this Council.

The work on the First-year Constitution was
done by the First-year Committee last spring
with the hope of inaugurating it for this year's
First-year class.

Copies of the Constitution will be available
from the first year counselors Tuesday.