University of Virginia Library

Includes 'Bid Saturday'

IFC Decides On Fall Rush Schedule

By Tom Jenks
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

After lengthy debate and votes
on innumerable proposals last
night, the Inter-fraternity Council
decided on a rush schedule for next
year that initiates a Bid Saturday.

Rush will begin with dormitory
visits on Tuesday, September 23,
from 7 to 11 p.m. There will by
smokers on the following Thursday
and parties from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m.
on Friday. On Saturday, September

The following Thursday and
Friday, October 2 and 3, there will
be smokers 7 to 10 p.m. and from 8
p.m. to 12 midnight respectively.
However, there will be no rush on
that Saturday and no alcohol is to
be served during the Thursday night

Meals begin on Monday, October
6, and continue through the
following Thursday. A counselling
service conducted by the Rush
Board will be held on Wednesday,
October 15, from 7 to 9 p.m. in
order to give first-year men with
rush problems an opportunity to
talk with someone knowledgeable
about rush.

Second dorm visits were voted
out of the schedule, because many
people considered them unnecessary.

On the weekend of the N.C.
State football game, there will be a
smoker Friday night from 8 to 12
and a party on Saturday night from
12 to 3. Rushees may sit with
houses at the football game this
weekend, and on this weekend and
this weekend only, rushees may
accept rides from fraternity men.

A second week of meals consisting
of only dinners from 5 to 7:30
p.m. will begin on Monday, October
20 and end on Thursday,
October 24.

Hour cards will be mailed on
Monday, October 27, and are to be
returned the following day, Last
hours will be on Thursday and
Friday of that week.

Bids are to be handed out
between 8:30 and 10 a.m. on the
Saturday of the U.N.C. game and
are to be returned the same day
between 11 a.m. and 12 noon.

Bid Saturday was instituted to
allow houses to have parties on the
North Carolina weekend, a traditional
weekend of football rivalry,
and in order to end rush before
Openings weekend.

Although rush next year will be
shorter and less expensive for the
fraternities, needless to say, most
houses won't get much sleep
between the Friday night of last
hours and Bid Saturday morning,
and most houses will be footing the
bill for parties on two weekends in
a row.

A motion concerning minimum
wages for fraternity employees that
was tabled last week was brought
up again in the IFC meeting last

The motion, which was passed,
reads: "The IFC considers it a
matter of policy for fraternities to
pay their regular employees an
effective minimum wage of $1.60
per hour. All non-monetary forms
of compensation should be included
in the computation of this

Originally, the motion required
that all fraternities pay their employees
$1.60 per hour: however,
when Mike Murphy's Wage Evaluation
Committee announced that
their survey showed that all the
houses already payed their employees
$1.60 and that many payed
$1.90, the motion was changed into
a policy statement.

At the request of the Fraternity
Advisers Committee, the Long
Range Planning Committee of the
IFC has mailed a questionnaire to
house presidents in order to investigate
all aspects of the future of

The survey has questions ranging
from how many people participate,
live, and cat in the houses to what
people envision for fraternities in
the future. The questionnaire must
be returned to the IFC as soon as
possible so that effective action can
be taken this semester.