University of Virginia Library

Shannon Supports
Transition Program

The following is a letter from President Shannon to the University
community declaring his support for the summer transitional program.
Persons wishing to contribute to the Summer Work-Study Preparatory
Program 1969 should make checks payable to the "Summer
Preparatory Program - U. Va." in care of The Bursar, University of
Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. 22903.

For more than two years, the University of Virginia has
been seeking government and foundation support for a special
program of assistance for college-bound students who have
demonstrated high potential academic achievement despite
severe cultural disadvantages. While these efforts are
continuing (and we are optimistic for the future), there has
been much interest in recent months in a preparatory program
for the summer of this year for disadvantaged students offered
admission to next September's entering undergraduate class.

This Summer Work-Study Preparatory Program-1969, as it
has been developed with my encouragement by a faculty-staff
committee, will provide ten weeks of intensive academic and
social adjustment to a select number of students. They will be
chosen without regard to race, from among those who have
expressed their willingness to help themselves by earning a
portion of the cost of their participation in such a program
through part-time, summer employment in University offices
or facilities.

Carefully-planned, academic instruction will focus upon the
English language and mathematics, with additional attention
being given to laboratory science and a foreign language. Aside
from the daily experience that a student will have with his
fellows and the members of the staff of the Program, he will
engage in planned social and cultural activities, participate in
athletics, and have ample opportunity for informal meetings
with members of the administration, faculty, and student
body of the University who are not directly involved with the

Each student will be employed for twenty hours each week
under the Federal College Work-Study Program. By earnings
derived from this employment, the student will assist in
meeting the cost of his summer experience while he receives at
the same time a unique and stimulating exposure to the
operation of a University office, laboratory, or library.

The cost of operating the Summer Work-Study Preparatory
Program-1969 will approach $32,000. Of this amount,
approximately $7,000 can be provided directly by the
University through grants and staff salary, and another $9,000
can be provided indirectly by the University through the
University's allocation of College Work-Study funds received
from the U.S. Office of Education. This the University will do,
and the Program will be available if the other $16,000 can be
raised by contributors. I commend those students and faculty
who are undertaking to raise this sum and urge you to
contribute as generously as you can to support this worthy
Program. By each of us making our own individual gift, we
shall contribute significantly to helping those who are willing
to work to help themselves and to increasing educational
opportunity at the University of Virginia.